Bio Geometry
BioGeometry is a science that deals with the Energy of Shape. BioGeometry is the language of seeing the relationship between shape and energy. Everything in nature has shape and everything has energy. BioGeometry deals with a very specific kind of relationship between shape and energy. It deals with shapes that brings balance into energy fields. It is not just any shape that goes in an energy field to produce an effect. No it is the shape that balances it.
The scientific definition of energy is the ability to produce an effect. So our feelings are energy, our thoughts are energy, our vitality is energy. Shapes in your body affect your energy, every shape in the universe. If it is a natural shape, it is balancing the energy around it.
BioGeometry is a design language. You can design anything, you can use it in any activity in your life. Because everything has a shape and everything has energy so there is no activity in your life which you cannot balance with BioGeometry.
The impact of geometrical shapes on human energy systems has always been universally recognized. This awareness gradually disappeared, and our "modern" approach is to consider these ancient forms either as symbolic art without function, or attribute them to magical practices.
Popular among spiritually significant shapes are pyramids and hemispheres (e.g. the domes, that are the basis of religious buildings, be it a mosque, a church or a synagogue). These particular shapes are energy emitters; they are shapes that produce a type of penetrating carrier-wave which Chaumery and De Belizal named, negative green (which acts as carriers, like radio waves that carry sound information). The vibrational quality of negative green gives it very strong communication properties, which facilitate resonance with higher realms in prayer. Negative green turned out to have other properties, however, which make it very harmful under continuous exposure. This harmful property is cancelled by deviating a little bit from the pure form of a pyramid (the very little indentation in the sides of the large pyramid in Egypt) or the hemisphere (something on the top, a bit smaller or longer at the bottom).
In spiritual energy fields however only the horizontal components of this energy is found; the vertical components, which is the harmful part of this energy, is cancelled. Considerable research into this type of energy has been done by Dr. Ibrahim Karim, and the different components have been identified.
He has found that BioGeometrical shapes have three primary vibrational qualities:
- negative green
- a higher harmonic of ultra-violet
- a higher harmonic of gold
Only shapes which produce energy fields with all three components are BioGeometrical.
The most important component in spiritual energy fields is a special type of the negative green as mentioned above. It is at the core of all energy centers in the body and power spots in nature. Pyramids and hemispheres produce this vibration along their central axis.
The second component is a higher harmonic of ultra-violet, an invisible light which is the environment of angels and other light beings. It is a very purifying and relaxing vibration, which balances overactive organ functions and has a calming effect on the nervous system.
The third component is a higher harmonic of gold which, although on a much higher vibrational plane, is in resonance with physical gold (it is depicted by the halos around the heads of saints); it enhances wisdom and prosperity in a broad sense. On the physical level, it has energizing effect that balances the body's immune system.
BioGeometrical shapes are developed and patented by Dr. Ibrahim Karim in Cairo, Egypt, during research since 1968. Research in BioGeometry was and still is mainly dedicated to the development of a new form of architecture that would enhance the human biological system and give a new meaning to the concept of "Home". He used it in the design of several touristic projects and modification of existing buildings. To upgrade the energy quality of existing homes and cancel the potentially harmful effects of unchecked energy fields due to the architectural design, furniture layout, electrical wiring and modern appliances; specially designed decorative elements are strategically placed to neutralize negative energy and add a positive quality to it.
A BioGeometrical design language was later applied in many fields of design, e.g. jewelry, household utilities, appliances, and decorative and industrial applications. In preliminary experiments BioGeometrical shapes have been used to protect plants from parasites, thus eliminating the need for pesticides. See the examples on a separate page.
The effect of BioGeometrical energy on health is not specific and not precisely predictable. It appears to amplify and balance the energy fields of the body on all levels, and thereby give the body greater power to heal itself. The healing process resulting from a strengthening and balancing of the immune system manifests differently from one person to the other; certain results, however, have been repeatedly observed.
BioGeometrical shapes balance the body energies on different levels; positive effects are usually felt on the emotional, mental, spiritual as well as the physical level. They have been found to be effective over a very broad range, including the protection against harmful radiation emanating from the earth (believed to be a major cause of cancer) and different types of man-made pollution. For specific healing purposes, research is being conducted in collaboration with medical doctors in the science of BioSignatures, which deals with energy of shape in relation to specific functions of the body organs.
Then we employed :Radiesthesia
Radiesthesia is a word of Latin origin meaning sensitivity to radiation. It is the science of using man's sensitivity to vibrations to obtain information from energy levels that are not accessible to the five physical senses. It utilizes simple pendular instruments to measure minute vibrational interactions between the energy fields of the person taking the measurements and the object of those measurements ...
There is another type of radiesthesia that works in this area. Measurement of the qualitative scale as with the biometer. We want to work with an abstract scale without giving it any meaning at all. When you actually see colours, your brain wonders "what happens to my energy through this or that colour". We want to know what those colours do to your energy. I am just projecting the result of my colour-scale when I create my reality. I am measuring and projecting the results of my measurement on the objects outside. The body has so many scales of measurement, they all say the same thing and they are all abstract. Before they come into the meaning level they are abstract; so they are accurate. This depends on the fact that we are all the same. You all get the same measurement if you stick to this scale. If two people get differences in measurement they might be picking up different things. One is picking the energy of the material itself and the other the energy of the shape. Then you are wondering if you are making a mistake. But both measurements are correct, you just are picking out different things. This is a method of measurement of the qualitative scale. Because it is a scale that is telling me what is happening to me, to my inner quality and to my energy. There is a difference between qualitative scales and quantitative scales, but each one can be translated into the other. Like the monochord of the ancient Egyptians that we know from Pythagoras. When I play a tone on a string this is qualitative, but to get that tone I have to use a certain length of the string (a mathematical thing). You can actually translate the qualitative into the quantitative. The idea that science, which is based on quantitative measurements is more accurate than all other disciplines that are based on the qualitative, is not true because one is based upon the other. Only the qualitative is more natural because it gives a scale that gives you understanding.
The important books in radiesthesia are mostly in French because these ancient sciences were preserved through ancient times, preserved through temples, by Jesuits. The Jesuits preserved that because when they went for missionary to Africa or South America, they could do better than the local medicine there. If somebody has a problem they knew as herbalist what plant to use. But if the plant was not available, all of a sudden the European knowledge was useless. If he has his pendulum he could actually find available herbs. So for the missionary it was very important to go into an environment that he does not know and find harmony. So they kept radiesthesia over so many years. At the end of last century they started writing many books about radiesthesia and priests wrote many of those books.
Abbé Mermet was the most famous one. He was very famous for discovery water sources. If he discovered a water source he could tell you the depth, the speed of water there, the amount, the flow, the clarity and the quality.
The book "Supersensonics" by Christopher Hills has a very good part about radiesthesia.
For detection and measurements in Physical Radiesthesia, or Microvibrational Physics, as they called their science to differentiate it from the widely popularized Mental Radiesthesia, which was a form of Dowsing based on the operators interaction with his subconscious, in a form of psychic activity, which was prone to autosuggestion, and was therefore not very accurate for scientific work.
Earth’s Genesis {Gene-ISIS} and the Cascade Range Region
Although the largest volcanoes like Mount St. Helens get the most attention, the Cascades is really made up of a band of thousands of very small, short-lived volcanoes that have built a platform of lava and volcanic debris. Rising above this volcanic platform are a few strikingly large volcanoes that dominate the landscape.
The Creation Numerical Codes
How and why was the Earth created? Where did mankind come from? Why are human beings superior to all the other animals on this planet? How did man develop knowledge of crafts, architecture, writing, and other elements of civilization? These questions are answered in the holy books, myths, and science of virtually every nation and tribe on earth. For the purpose of the next stage of our Mission on Earth we are to work with Gaia as if she was a large human. She needs cleansing, colonics, acupuncture treatments (grid work) and other assorted DNA and ENERGY enhancement treatments.
Structure, Components and Organization of Universe
Galaxies are great islands composed of stars scattered throughout the Universe; they are the building blocks or basic units of which the Universe is composed.
Cosmological scale is one of billions to tens of billions of light years, where superclusters participate in a general cosmic flow known as the expansion of the Universe. Analogy; if size of visible Universe were to shrink to that of this page, a supercluster would be about the size of a capital letter and any galaxy would be smaller than a period.
Attempts to estimate the meaning of dirt, plant, tree, mountain, volcano, oceans, even a galaxy have led to interesting conjecture, found by analyzing observed radial velocity differences in various forms of matter, luminous mass, obtained from light emisions; even Intergalactic material lying between galaxies; atomic hydrogen; photons; molecular hydrogen; and ultraviolet light, with orbiting observatories.
As ETs we have originated all of your cosmologies, Egyptian, Kabbalism, Vedic. Now we come with a new one, an American one for your Golden Aquarian Age.
We will draw from the Vedas to commence this study. There are three main ways of understanding creation in the advaita tradition:
(creation is not an absolute, real event)
(what has been created is perceived)
(perception is simultaneous with creation)
The Advaita tradition is one of oral teaching, and therefore the descriptions are not exhaustive. A given teacher may use one or more of these vedas, depending upon his own views, the student's ability, and other factors.
We will use vedic knowledge to interpret the modern era of manned space-flights. This will give rise to new solutions to age-old questions about where the Earth and people came from and why did they come. The general answer now is that Master Beings from outer space visited earth in prehistoric times and created man by genetic laboratory experimentation. The Genes of ISIS were put in them (Genesis), (or interbreeding). Then taught the new creatures the rudiments of civilization. But what exactly does this have to do with geology?
- Mount Baker (above Seattle)
- Glacier Peak
- Mount Rainer (below Seattle)
- Mount St. Helens
- Mount Adams
- Mount Hood
- Mount Jefferson
- Three Sisters
- Newberry Caldera
- Crater Lake
- Mount Mc Loughlin
- Medicine Lake
- Black Butte
- Mount Shasta
- Mount Lassen
Pacific Mountain System
This region is one of the most geologically young and tectonically active in North America. The generally rugged, mountainous landscape of this province provides evidence of ongoing mountain-building. The Pacific Mountain System straddles the boundaries between several of Earth's moving plates - the source of the monumental forces required to build the sweeping arc of mountains that extends from Alaska to the southern reaches of South America. This province includes the active and sometimes deadly volcanoes of the Cascade Range and the young, steep mountains of the Pacific Border and the Sierra Nevada. Although the Sierra Nevada and Cascade Range form a nearly continuous barrier along the western edge of the United States, the two ranges really have very little in common. They have been and continue to be formed by quite different geological forces and processes.
Less than five million years ago, the range that we now know as the Sierra Nevada began to rise along its eastern margin. Through a combination of uplift of the Sierran block and down-dropping of the area to the east, the Sierra rose upward. Rising far more steeply to the east than the west, the entire Sierra Nevada can be thought of as an enormous tilted fault block with a long, gentle slope westward to California's Central Valley and steep eastern slope.
Not long after the Sierra uplift began, the Earth cooled, marking the beginning of the Pleistocene (Ice Age) Epoch. Glaciers grew in the Sierra highlands and made their way down former stream channels, carving U-shaped valleys. The sheer walls and hanging valleys of Yosemite National Park are a product of this chilly past.
Cascade Range Region:
Where the Sierra Nevada ends a chain of explosive volcanic centers, the Cascade volcanoes, begins. The Cascades Province forms an arc-shaped band extending from British Columbia to Northern California, roughly parallel to the Pacific coastline. Within this region, 13 major volcanic centers lie in sequence like a string of explosive pearls. Although the largest volcanoes like Mount St. Helens get the most attention, the Cascades is really made up of a band of thousands of very small, short-lived volcanoes that have built a platform of lava and volcanic debris. Rising above this volcanic platform are a few strikingly large volcanoes that dominate the landscape.
Volcanism and the Cascade Range
The Cascades volcanoes define the Pacific Northwest section of the "Ring of Fire", a fiery array of volcanoes that rim the Pacific Ocean. As if volcanic hazards were not enough, the Ring of Fire is also infamous for its frequent earthquakes. In order to understand the origins of this concentrated band of Earth hazards we have to take a peek beneath our feet.
The Cascade Range made its first appearance 36 million years ago, but the major peaks that rise up from today's volcanic centers were born within the last 1.6 million years (Pleistocene). More than 3,000 vents erupted during the most recent volcanic episode that began 5 million years ago. Are there more eruptions in our future? As long as subduction continues, new Cascade volcanoes will continue to rise.
Cinder Cones:
A cinder cone is a volcanic cone built almost entirely of loose volcanic fragments, ash, and pumice (pyroclastics or tephra). Cinder cones are the simplest type of volcano, built from particles and blobs of congealed lava ejected from a single vent. As the gas-charged lava is blown violently into the air (often hundreds of feet), it breaks into small fragments that solidify and fall as cinders around the vent to form a circular or oval cone. Cinder cones can grow up to 700 meters (2,300 feet) high, but most are between 30 and 300 meters (100 and 1,000 feet). Most cinder cones have a bowl-shaped crater at the summit.
Cinder cones are numerous in western North America as well as throughout other volcanic terrains of the world.
Holocene Volcanism and the Cascade Arc:
Holocene volcanism in the Cascades extends from the Garibaldi Volcanic Belt in southern British Columbia to the Lassen volcanic complex in northern California. Pronounced differences in the nature of volcanism occur along the arc. In Washington there are five, generally large, widely spaced stratovolcanoes, with only one (Mount Adams) having significant nearly basaltic volcanics. In marked contrast, Oregon has six generally smaller stratovolcanoes, but the entire state is traversed by a 40-50-kilometer-wide band of basaltic to andesitic lava shields, cinder cones, and smaller stratovolcanoes that the "Cascade" cones rise above. South of Crater Lake, the Cascade arc bends perceptibly toward the southeast, and continues along this trend to Lassen Peak. Both Lassen and Shasta are associated with eastward halos of mafic shields and lava fields which, near Shasta, culminate in the huge shield volcano of Medicine Lake.
Volcanic Eruptions:
When magma manages to migrate upward onto the surface, the result is volcanism (a volcanic eruption). A volcano forms as molten rock and solidified volcanic debris are ejected onto the surface and accumulate near the eruption site. In addition to rock material, large quantities of water vapor and gases are vented from volcanoes. When magma flows on the surface the material is called lava. The release of pressure during eruptions can produce ash clouds that may travel long distances.
When magma cools in the subsurface it slowly forms rock through the process of crystallization. The chemical and physical reactions that take place in cooling magma result in the formation of interlocking mineral crystal grains (minerals such as quartz, feldspar, and mica). The mineral grains (crystals) are of a visible size, giving the rock a crystalline texture.
Tuff Cones:
"Tuff" is a volcanic rock made up of rock and mineral fragments in a volcanic ash matrix. Tuffs commonly are composed of much shattered volcanic rock glass -- chilled magma blown into the air and then deposited. If volcanic particles fall to the ground at a very high temperature, they may fuse together, forming a welded tuff.
A bubbly (vesicular) volcanic rock fragment that forms when molten, gas-filled lava is thrown into the air, then solidifies as it falls.
A light-colored, frothy, glassy volcanic rock. The texture is formed by rapidly expanding gas in erupting lava.
Volcanoes with broad, gentle slopes and built by the eruption of fluid basalt lava are called shield volcanoes. Basalt lava tends to build enormous, low-angle cones because it flows across the ground easily and can form lava tubes that enable lava to flow tens of kilometers from an erupting vent with very little cooling. The largest volcanoes on Earth are shield volcanoes. The name comes from a perceived resemblance to the shape of a warrior's shield.
Some of the most conspicuous and beautiful mountains in the world are composite volcanoes, including Mount Fuji in Japan, Mount Cotopaxi in Ecuador, Mount Shasta in California, Mount Hood in Oregon, and Mount St. Helens and Mount Rainier in Washington. - Excerpt from: Tilling, 1985, Volcanoes: USGS General Interest Publication, and USGS Volcano Hazards Program Photoglossary, 2003
Shield volcanoes are built almost entirely of fluid lava flows. Flow after flow pours out in all directions from a central summit vent, or group of vents, building a broad, gently sloping cone of flat, domical shape, with a profile much like that a a warrior's shield. They are built up slowly by the accretion of thousands of flows of highly fluid basaltic (from basalt, a hard, dense dark volcanic rock) lava that spread widely over great distances, and then cool as thin, gently dipping sheets. Lavas also commonly erupt from vents along fractures (rift zones) that develop on the flanks of the cone.
Some of the largest volcanoes in the world are shield volcanoes. In northern California and Oregon, many shield volcanoes have diameters of 3 or 4 miles and heights of 1,500 to 2,000 feet. The Hawaiian Islands are composed of linear chains of these volcanoes including Kilauea and Mauna Loa on the island of Hawaii -- two of the world's most active volcanoes. The floor of the ocean is more than 15,000 feet deep at the bases of the islands. As Mauna Loa, the largest of the shield volcanoes (and also the world's largest active volcano), projects 13,677 feet above sea level, its top is over 28,000 feet above the deep ocean floor.
Pacific Northwest "Ring of Fire"
The Cascades Province forms an arc-shaped band extending from British Columbia to Northern California, roughly parallel to the Pacific coastline. Within this region, 13 major volcanic centers lie in sequence like a string of explosive pearls. Although the largest volcanoes like Mount St. Helens get the most attention, the Cascades is really made up of a band of thousands of very small, short-lived volcanoes that have built a platform of lava and volcanic debris. Rising above this volcanic platform are a few strikingly large volcanoes that dominate the landscape.
The Cascades volcanoes define the Pacific Northwest section of the "Ring of Fire", a fiery array of volcanoes that rim the Pacific Ocean. As if volcanic hazards were not enough, the Ring of Fire is also infamous for its frequent earthquakes. In order to understand the origins of this concentrated band of Earth hazards we have to take a peek beneath our feet.
Beneath the Cascades, a dense oceanic plate plunges beneath the North American Plate; a process known as subduction. As the oceanic slab sinks deep into the Earth's interior beneath the continental plate, high temperatures and pressures allow water molecules locked in the minerals of solid rock to escape. The water vapor rises into the pliable mantle above the subducting plate, causing some of the mantle to melt. This newly formed magma rises toward the Earth's surface to erupt, forming a chain of volcanoes (the Cascade Range) above the subduction zone.
This is a listing of major volcanic areas in the Ring of Fire: In South America the Nazca plate is colliding with the South American plate. This has created the Andes and volcanoes such as Cotopaxi and Azul. In Central America, the tiny Cocos plate is crashing into the North American plate and is therefore responsible for the Mexican volcanoes of Popocatepetl and Paricutun (which rose up from a cornfield in 1943 and became instant mountains). Between Northern California and British Columbia, the Pacific, Juan de Fuca, and Gorda plates have built the Cascades and the infamous Mount Saint Helens, which erupted in 1980. Alaska's Aleutian Islands are growing as the Pacific plate hits the North American plate.
From Russia's Kamchatka Peninsula to Japan, the subduction of the Pacific plate under the Eurasian plate is responsible for Japanese islands and volcanoes (such as Mt. Fuji). The final section of the Ring of Fire exists where the Indo-Australian plate subducts under the Pacific plate and has created volcanoes in the New Guinea and Micronesian areas. Near New Zealand, the Pacific Plate slides under the Indo-Australian plate.
The Earth's Ring of Fire, Plate Tectonics
& Other Worldly Friendly Help
The Cascade Range made its first appearance 36 million years ago, but the major peaks that rise up from today's volcanic centers were born within the last 1.6 million years (Pleistocene). More than 3000 vents erupted during the most recent volcanic episode that began 5 million years ago. Are there more eruptions in our future? As long as subduction continues, new Cascade volcanoes will continue to rise.
California's remarkable geology is the result of volcanic and tectonic activity. Its majestic mountains were shaped by glaciers during the ice ages as well as by wind and rain. The scenic coastline of California is continually shaped by the pounding waves of the Pacific Ocean. California has a wealth of mineral resources, including the rich soil of the Central Valley, the gold of the Sierra, and oil off the coast and in various locations across the state.
California can be divided up into 11 Geomorphic Provinces, many which include volcanic features. The Provinces are: The Sierra Nevadas, Cascade Range, Coast Ranges, Transverse Ranges, Peninsular Ranges, Klamath Mountains, Great Valley, Basin and Range, Modoc Plateau, Mojave Desert, and Colorado Desert.
Cascade Range
National Parks
Crater Lake National Park
Lassen Volcanic National Park
Lava Beds National Monument
Mount Rainier National Park
Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument
Newberry National Volcanic Monument
The Earth's Ring of Fire And Plate Tectonics
BBC News - January 29, 1999
Circling the Pacific Basin, on the bottom of the sea bed, lie a dramatic series of volcanic arcs and oceanic trenches. The zone - the 'Ring of Fire' - notorious for frequent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, coincides with the edges of one of the world's main tectonic plates.
More than half of the world's active volcanoes above sea level are part of the ring.
In the past 25 years, scientists developed a theory called plate tectonics explaining the locations of volcanoes and other large-scale geologic features.
According to tectonic theory, the surface of the Earth is made up of a patchwork of massive rigid plates, about 80km thick, which float in slow motion on top of the Earth's hot, pliable interior.
The plates change size and position over time, moving at speeds of between 1cm and 10cm every year - about the speed at which fingernails grow.
New sea bed is constantly being created in the middles of the oceans - flowing out as hot lava, and rapidly cooling on contact with cold deep sea water.
To make room for the continual addition of new ocean crust, all the earth's plates move. And as they move, intense geologic activity occurs at the plate edges. At the edges, one of three things may occur.
The plates can be moving away from each other, leaving space for new ocean floor.
Some plates are moving towards each other, causing one to submerge beneath the other.
Other boundaries slide past each other without much disturbance.
Parts of the plate boundary that slide past one another in opposite directions - such as the San Andreas Fault - cause minor earthquakes. The faults may also create cliffs or scarps thousands of feet high on the ocean bed.
But where one oceanic plate collided with and is forced deep into the Earth's interior, the subsumed plate encounters high temperatures and pressures that partially melt solid rock.
Some of this newly-formed magma rises to the Earth's surface and erupts, forming chains of violent volcanoes - like the Ring of Fire.
These narrow plate-boundary sites, known as subduction zones, are also associated with the formation of deep ocean trenches and big earthquakes.
When there is an earthquake under the sea, one side of the ocean floor suddenly drops downward, beneath the top edge of the subducting plate.
The resulting vertical fault will generate a tsunami - much as a wave machine in a swimming pool will generate one. The movements of the plates usually allow little warning for those at risk in coastal areas.
One warning of a tsunami is that there is a rush of water away from the coastline - but this predictor may mean the forthcoming seismic wave is only minutes away.
One week before Papua New Guinea's seismic activity, a large quake was recorded to the west of Western Samoa, and another took place in Vanuatu.
The frequency of Pacific quakes and seismic activity is not coincidence.
Theory of Continental Drift
According to the theory of continental drift, the world was made up of a single continent through most of geologic time. That continent eventually separated and drifted apart, forming into the seven continents we have today. The first comprehensive theory of continental drift was suggested by the German meteorologist Alfred Wegener in 1912. The hypothesis asserts that the continents consist of lighter rocks that rest on heavier crustal material - similar to the manner in which icebergs float on water. Wegener contended that the relative positions of the continents are not rigidly fixed but are slowly moving - at a rate of about one yard per century.
According to the generally accepted plate-tectonics theory, scientists believe that Earth's surface is broken into a number of shifting slabs or plates, which average about 50 miles in thickness. These plates move relative to one another above a hotter, deeper, more mobile zone at average rates as great as a few inches per year. Most of the world's active volcanoes are located along or near the boundaries between shifting plates and are called plate-boundary volcanoes. However, some active volcanoes are not associated with plate boundaries, and many of these so-called intra-plate volcanoes form roughly linear chains in the interior of some oceanic plates.
The Hawaiian Islands provide perhaps the best example of an intra-plate volcanic chain, developed by the northwest-moving Pacific plate passing over an inferred - hot spot - that initiates the magma-generation and volcano-formation process. The peripheral areas of the Pacific Ocean Basin, containing the boundaries of several plates, are dotted by many active volcanoes that form the so-called Ring of Fire. The Ring provides excellent examples of plate-boundary volcanoes, including Mt. St. Helens.
It was not until the 1960's that geologists gained the technology to fully understand the processes that could move the Earth's plates. They concluded that the Earth's surface was composed of not one large sheet but was composed of more than twelve major pieces of crust. Geologists call these pieces plates.
These plates float across the surface of the Earth like an iceberg floats on the ocean. The driving force behind these plate movements are the convection currents in the mantle. The convection currents turn very slowly dragging the plates along with these movements. The convection currents move the plates very slowly. These plates move at only 1 to 4 inches per year!
Helping You!
We have helped the great awakening of the human species to the spatiotemporal dimensions of the universe. We have inculcated in them that the Earth too is alive.
Star Beings from different planets incarnated within the early Sumerian, Chinese and Korean astronomers and guided them up the steps of their ziggurats to study the Stars in the dark night sky.
The Star Beings living in human form as Egyptians considered the sky as a tent canopy, supported by the mountains that demarked the four corners of the Earth.
The Earth is a living being we call Gaia. We on the higher worlds look at her as a living being, much like you humans, only she is even more evolved and larger and has given her very life for you. We are to tell you that once you begin to see her as a true being of life and treat her rivers as you would treat your very own blood, and treat her mountains as you would your very own hair, and treat her rocks as you would your very own heart, lungs, liver and kidneys; then in this way you will heal her and bring more light to her form other higher evolved planets. Ah ho!
Copernicus noted that reverence for the stars runs so deep in human consciousness that it is embedded in the language itself. “What is nobler than the heavens.” he wrote, “the heavens which contain all noble things?” Socrates said, “The Soul is purified and kindled afresh by studying the sky.” Mariners could estimate their latitude by measuring the elevation of the pole star, and could tell time by the positions of the stars, and thus codified them in poetry and mythology. Farmers learned to make clocks and calendars of the moving sky and consulted almanacs etched in wood and stone for astronomical guidance in deciding when to plant and harvest their crops. Now we come to you to help you by doing the things you will need to take care of in this new world ahead of you. First you will need to erect your star shields so that the wormwood will not destroy you. We will help you with that.
Technical Research notes from:
Excerpts from: USGS/NPS Geology in the Parks Website, 2002; Volcanic Hazards Program Website, 2003, and Tilling, 1985, Volcanoes: USGS General Interest
Excerpts from: California Environmental Resources Evaluation System (CERES) Website, 2003, California Resources Agency