
Jan 15-18, 2004

Bermuda Triangle Testimonials


I had been part of the Lemurian Sea Caves Expedition on the west coast a few months ago in which we were working with helping to release negativity from Mother Earth working with the Lemurian connection. It was announced at the end of that expedition that there would be a forthcoming expedition to work with releasing the negativity in the Bermuda Triangle area and work would be done with the Atlantean connection and that this work was needed as a balance to the Lemurian work that was done. I had the feeling that I would like to participate in the Bermuda Triangle Expedition but didn’t know economically how that was going to feasible for me in my current situation. I offered to help Dr. Raja with researching various lodging and expedition details and decided that I would just help and if I was meant to go that a way would present itself. I was not attached either way, I just surrendered. Well - a way presented itself.

Again the trip was one of synchronicity and a drawing together of people most of whom had never been to one of the Stardoves events or expeditions before. I found it interesting that on the Lemurian Sea Caves Expedition the group was predominantly men and on the Bermuda Triangle Expedition, except for Dr. Raja, all the participants were women. Again I was amazed at how each person innately contributed their particular codes and their facet of the work just by being who they are. Each brought their own unique abilities, talents, and perceptions to the work which contributed to the whole. Both of these trips even though there is an agenda, certainly seem to evolve out of a synergistic group energy and collective wisdom.

The analogy I was shown is how the beauty of a precious stone is reveled when it is cut into a multi-faceted jewel. Each person who was physically on the trip or assisted with parts of the trip such as the boat captains and the videographer, as well as the dozens of people tuning in and assisting by joining us in consciousness, are like the facets of a jewel that came together to heal the Bermuda Triangle and to assist that area to shift out of being a negative portal to becoming the jewel that it is. I and we as a group just knew that the work had been accomplished. I am increasingly aware of how this work goes way beyond ourselves and that in its entirety goes way beyond what we can even comprehend. We as the people physically participating in these expeditions act as the focal points, the anchors and conduits for this healing to take place. We as lightworkers and hue-mans act as the lightning rods as it were to ground this healing that is being focused by many beings from many dimensions beside the human realm. And as always when directed by and responding to spirit, the perfect people and pieces came together. We had a wonderful spiritual retreat center to stay in, perfect weather until the very end of the very last day, and the most loving captains and guides, and the most gracious and loving participants. It was a most blessed experience.

I am thankful.
Catherine Ann Clemett
Beaverton, OR

Other Testimonials from the Bermuda Triangle Excursion