March 2001 Glastonbury, England
In March of 2001, just after our pilgrimage to Israel and a few months before the dreaded 911 Day, we pilgrimaged to Glastonbury, a small town about 125 miles or 220 km west of London, England. Glastonbury is England's most magical place of myth and legend. Glastonbury lays in a triangle between the megalithic stone circles of Stonehenge and Avebury - between them they formed a world energy-point. Great ley lines go from Glastonbury to many sacred centers worldwide.
Glastonbury has long been a pilgrimage place, attracting travelers from far and wide. It was a pilgrimage place in Druidic times (2,000-2,500 years ago) and further back in Megalithic times, 4,000 years ago.
A prominent site in town is the Glastonbury Tor (tor means rocky hill or peak). The Tor has many legends connected to it. One says that it was the location of King Arthur's stronghold. Another legend says that it is the home of the Faery King and that the top of the Tor was a place of fairy visions and magic. A Celtic legend says that the hill is hollow and that the top guards the entrance to the Underworld, as well as being the home of the Lord of the Underworld, Gwyn ap Nudd.
Glastonbury is also believed to be the place known in Authurian lore as the Isle of Avalon. According to the legend, Arthur, after being mortally wounded by Mordred, was taken by a sacred boat to Avalon. And it is in Avalon that Arthur awaits the day when Britain requires his services as the "once and future king".
Our Mission here was to anchor Pleiadean Magnetics using Magic Rods and Sacred Geometric Wands. This was wonderful to do here, as we were situated on a major acupuncture point of the Earth body! Glastonbury is one of the most powerful energy centers on the planet. Prophecies have foreseen it playing an important role in the New Age. The entire area around this small town in Somerset has a very holy vibration. It is steeped in the deeply mystical Arthurian legends. These legends symbolize the search for the Holy Grail the Eternal Self, represented by the Silver Chalice used at the Last Supper and for collecting Christ's blood from the cross. Joseph of Arimathea brought the chalice to Glastonbury where it is supposedly buried. In past years, England's young seekers have come here to take psychedelic sacraments.
Dod Lane and the trail by Chalice Hill are remains of an old processional path on which the Abbey is situated. "Dod" means dead, and Dod Lane is a spirit path leading to Avalon, the western isle of the dead. The Abbey is supposed to be King Arthur's burial place.
The Silver Chalice may also be hidden here. The 5th century Melkin Oracle says that one day the chalice in St Joseph´s tomb will be revealed and "thenceforth nor water nor the dew of heaven shall fail the dwellers on that ancient isle".
This is the enduring prophecy of Albion repeated by Blake and renewed by Eliot The last of the Glastonbury monks, Austin Ringwode, prophesied on his death bed: "The Abbey will one day be repaired and rebuilt for the like worship which has now ceased; and then peace and plenty will for a long time abound".
Tor Hill single tower, ruin of what was once a church dedicated to St Michael, crowns this hilltop and represents the Father aspect. The high vibrations of the Glastonbury area seem to increase here.

High Street in Downtown Village of Glastonbury - we walked these charming streets.
In the beginning, when the legends of mystical Avalon began, Glastonbury, a small town in Somerset, cradled in a cluster of hills in the south of England, was thought to have been a site for pre-Christian worship. A powerful natural phenomenon, visible from many miles away yet imperceptible from nearby, and the highest of these hills, the 500-foot Glastonbury Tor, rising shear from the Somerset levels has inspired spiritual speculation.
Was the Tor a centre for fertility rites based on legends of the great Mother Earth Goddess? Was Avalon a centre for ley-lines--routes of spiritual energy? Around the sides of the Tor is a strange system of terracing. Much weathered and eroded, but still well-defined, it has been interpreted as a maze following an ancient magical pattern. If the maze on the Tor is real, human labor formed it four or five thousand years ago, during the period of the vast ritual works that created Stonehenge. There are also grounds for thinking that the Tor might have been a sanctuary of Goddess-worship.
Two thousand years ago, the sea washed right to the foot of the Tor, nearly encircling the cluster of hills. The sea was gradually succeeded by a vast lake. An old name for it is Ynys-witrin, the Island of Glass; "island" because, from most angles of approach, it would have looked like one, but it is from Celtic legend that the name Avalon has its true origin - named after the demi-god Avalloc or Avallach, who ruled the underworld. In Celtic lore Avalon was an isle of enchantment.

Glastonbury Abbey in Somerset, England
Traditionally the oldest above-ground Christian church in the world.
Every year, people from over seventy countries on six different continents visit the sacred site of Glastonbury Abbey in Somerset, England.
The 2,000 years of Christianity we are celebrating and remembering are forever rooted in the mystical land of Avalon where the story of Glastonbury Abbey began.
Many of the modern-day pilgrims who come to Glastonbury now, take part in the services and rituals which continue the Abbey's important tradition as a living church.
Every week throughout the year, services are held in the remains of the Abbey's great medieval monastery or under the roof of St Patrick's Chapel. The Chapel, with its holy water vessel, stone altar and nearby sacred thorn tree - dating from the Abbacy of Richard Beere in 1500 - has been witness to five centuries of Christian worship.
The second Saturday of July is the high point of the modern-day calendar of the Glastonbury pilgrimage. Begun by a few local churches in the county of Somerset in 1924, the pilgrimage has become a public expression of personal faith. Groups of worshippers arrive from a 150 mile radius around Glastonbury and more come from all over Britain and Europe.
The Abbey Ruins was once the most magnificent religious edifice in Britain. It stood on 12 hides of land (the symbolic measure of the New Jerusalem as described by St John in Revelation 21), and originally given to Joseph of Arimathea and the 12 Saints. The Abbey was built according to a prehistoric arcance tradition of sacred geometry known to the masons of the Middle Ages. The proportions of the Abbey relate to the principle numbers of the magic square of the sun. These numbers symbolize various aspects of solar energy and were also used in the construction of Stonehenge, of which the Abbey was spiritual successor.
The Glastonbury region and its Abbey also have strong associations with Arthurian legends and the quest for the Holy Grail. Stories of a sacred vessel dear to the Celts became entwined with the story of Christ's Last Supper and the Christian Holy Grail which inspired quests and crusades across England, Europe and the Far East.
The Glastonbury and Somerset legends involve the boy Jesus together with his Uncle, Joseph of Arimathea building Glastonbury's first wattle and daub church.
These legends gave rise to the continuing cult of the Virgin on the site of the present Lady Chapel and inspired the title 'Our Lady St. Mary of Glastonbury,' which is still used today.
After the crucifixion of Jesus, lore has it that Joseph of Arimathea (who according to the Bible donated his own tomb for Christ's interment after the Crucifixion) came to Britain, bearing the Holy Grail--the cup used by Christ at the Last Supper and later by Joseph to catch his blood at the crucifixion.
From the Holy Land Joseph had brought the cup used at the Last Supper, which held the blood of Christ that dripped from the Cross. This most sacred of objects, the Holy Grail, is said to have been buried with the body of Joseph on Chalice Hill, which lies between the Tor and the site of Abbey.
Near the center of Glastonbury town stand the ruins of the old Abbey, once the greatest monastery of medieval Europe. In the heart of the Abbey, a St.Mary Chapel marks the exact site where Joseph set his original church. Analysis of the groundplan of the St.Mary chapel reveals proportions of sacred geometry equal to those found at nearby Stonehenge, and a ley line running through the axis of the Abbey runs straight to that famous stone ring, indicating a connection between the two holy places in deep antiquity.
During the Christian era great numbers of pilgrims flocked to the Abbey to venerate the relics of saints and sages, the most valued relics being those of St.Patrick who ended his days at Glastonbury in 461 AD. In 1539 the Abbey was closed by order of King Henry VIII and the great monastery fell into ruins.
Before the closure of the Abbey, monks hid the vast wealth of relics, manuscripts and other treasures within tunnels and caverns beneath Glastonbury Tor. Legends say these hidden treasures will one day be revealed, ushering an age of peace and enlightenment into the world.
In 1190 AD, following a fire which destroyed much of the Abbey, the dramatic discovery was made of two ancient oak coffins buried sixteen feet beneath the ground. Contained within the coffins were the bones of a large man and a woman, and an inscribed cross identifying the bodies as those of King Arthur, whose traditional burial place was Avalon, and Queen Guinevere.
When Joseph landed on the island of Avalon, he set foot on Wearyall Hill - just below the Tor. Exhausted, he thrust his staff into the ground, and rested. By morning, his staff had taken root - leaving a strange oriental thorn bush-the sacred Glastonbury Thorn.
For safe keeping, Joseph is said to have buried the Holy Grail just below the Tor at the entrance to the Underworld. Shortly after he had done this, a spring, now know as Chalice Well, flowed forth and the water that emerged brought eternal youth to whosoever would drink it.
Intertwining the myths and legends of Glastonbury Abbey's history, it is widely believed that finding The Holy Grail Joseph is said to have hidden was years later the purpose behind the quests of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.
The story is fascinating. According to old Cornish legends, Christ's uncle, Joseph of Arimathaea, was a tin merchant who traded with miners on Britain's western coasts. On one of his trading journeys he brought along his nephew, the boy Jesus, and together they made a pilgrimage to the Holy Isle of Avalon.
Years later, following the Crucifixion, Joseph returned to Avalon and moored his boat on Wearyall Hill. There he planted his staff in the ground, where it took root and blossomed into the Holy Thorn whose descendant is still growing on the hill today. On the site below this hill Joseph built a small church, believed to be first Christian foundation in Britain.

King Arthur & Queen Gwenevere
As noted above, Glastonbury has also been linked with Arthur, the Legendary English King who was born out of wedlock and raised by the wizard Merlin. When he was only a boy, after many men had tried and failed, Arthur gained the throne by withdrawing the magic sword Excalibur from a stone.
Supposedly, Arthur was buried in the graveyard of Glastonbury Abbey south of the Lady Chapel, at a great depth, between two monumental pillars.
Prompted by hints and rumors, the monks excavated the spot. They dug down seven feet and unearthed a stone slab. Under it was a lead cross about a foot long, with a Latin inscription: "Hic iacet sepultus inclitus rex arturius in insula avalonia", "Here lies buried the renowned King Arthur in the Isle of Avalon". Some smaller bones, and a scrap of hair that crumbled away when touched, were explained as Guinevere's.
The bones were placed in caskets, and in 1278 they were transferred, during a state visit by Edward I, to a black marble tomb before the high altar of the main Abbey church. There they remained until the Abbey was vandalized after the dissolution. No one has seen or heard of them since.
Legend proclaims that after Arthur's death, a powerful spirit haunted the ruins of the Abbey, appearing as a black-armoured knight with glowing red eyes and a burning desire to eradicate all records of the ancient Arthurian legends which is why, it is said, that those seeking to discover the truth find so few facts available.
Today a notice board marks the spot of Arthur's final resting-place. Occasionally people lay flowers there to honor this mighty King whose life and death gave birth to so many myths and legends. These mystical tales that still envelope Glastonbury Abbey in a cloak of mystery, add to its profoundly rich and timeless history.
Centuries old texts in the Abbey library describe the adventures of King Arthur and his knights between Avalon and nearby Cadbury Castle, where stood Arthur's court of Camelot. More recent research has lent further credibility to the ancient association of Glastonbury with Arthurian legend. In 1929 an artist, Kathryn Maltwood, discovered evidence of a group of enormous earth figures molded on the landscape across ten miles of Somerset.
These figures, delineated by natural features of the earth and further contoured by human design, have been interpreted as scenes from Arthurian legends based on astrological patterns. While it is now known that the figures long predate the historical period of King Arthur (500 AD), their presence hints at archaic wisdom teachings encoded in the very hills and valleys of mother earth.
King Arthur is linked to the legends of Merlin the Magician.

One of our most favorite experiences was when we connected with the magical folk of the area and learned of the Fairy King! Ancient myth has it that Avalon, where the sea met the land, was the meeting place of the dead; the point where they passed to another level of existence, and the Tor was the home of Gwyn ap Nudd, the Lord of the Underworld, and a place where the fairy folk lived. This was our first experience on Earth in this lifetime with real magical Fairies (other then a different form of them in India and Hawaii). But these were the old traditions magical English Fairies. The earliest knowledge we have of the Tor come to us from legends. In prehistoric times the island peak was believed to be the home of Gwyn ap Nudd, the Lord of the spirit world of Annwn. Immortalized in folklore, Gwyn ap Nudd became a Fairy King and his realm of Annwn the mystic isle and sacred mount of Avalon. Long a holy place of pagan spirituality, the 170 meter tall hill shows extensive signs of being contoured by human hands in Neolithic times.
These contours, indistinct after the passage of thousands of years, mark the course of a spiraling labyrinth which encircles the hill from base to peak. Ancient myths and folk legends suggest that pilgrims to the sacred island would moor their boats upon the shore and, entering the great landscape labyrinth, begin their long ascent to the hilltop shrine. By following the intricate and winding route of the labyrinth, rather than ascending by a more direct line, a deep attunement with the Tor's concentrated terrestial and celestial energies was achieved.
Archaeologists are prone to dismiss such legends as nothing but fanciful myths of preliterate people. A wealth of studies, however, by folklorists, dowsers and other earth mystery researchers suggest that these mythic images may in fact be the dim memories of long forgotten realities.
In the mid 1960's, for example, the brilliant scholar of English antiquities, John Michell, found evidence of an alignment of Neolithic sacred sites in the Glastonbury region. The Tor was linked with such venerable ancient holy places as Avebury stone rings and St.Michael's Mount. More recent research by Hamish Miller and Paul Broadhurst (consult their fine book, The Sun and the Serpent) has since revealed this enigmatic alignment runs all across southern England linking hundreds of Neolithic, Celtic and early Christian sacred places.
Miller and Broadhurst have brought to light other matters of great importance. Laboriously dowsing the entire alignment over a period of years, they discovered there are actually two distinct lines of energy - roughly parallel to one another - flowing for nearly 300 miles. Because of the large number of St.Michael and St.Mary churches situated upon the lines, these energy pathways have been dubbed the St.Michael and St.Mary lines.
While the lines are of far greater antiquity than Christianity, it is not entirely inappropriate to have given them such Christian names. St.Michael, or more properly the Archangel Michael, is traditionally regarded as an angel of light, the revealer of mysteries and the guide to the other world.
Each of these qualities are in fact attributes of other earlier divinities whom Michael supplanted.
Frequently shown spearing dragons, St.Michael is widely recognized by scholars of mythology to be the Christian successor to pagan gods such as the Egyptian Thoth, the Greek Hermes, the Roman Mercury and the Celtic Bel.
Mercury and Hermes were considered guardians of the elemental powers of the earth spirit, whose mysterious forces were sometimes represented by serpents and linear currents of dragon energy. Along these dragon lines were highly charged power places - the serpent's dens and dragon's lairs of prehistoric myths - whose locations archaic geomancers had marked with spear-like standing stones, cave temples and hilltop sanctuaries.
Thousands of years later, as Christianity began its relentless spread through pagan Europe, St.Michael shrines were placed at these sites and the dragon-slaying Archangel became a symbol of the Christian suppression of the old religions.
As Miller and Broadhurst continued their dowsing research, following the Michael and Mary energy lines to and up the sides of the Tor, they made a remarkable discovery. The two lines appeared to mirror the ancient landscape labyrinth as it winds its serpentine way to the summit.
Even more astonishing, the two lines move in a sort of harmony with one another and, at the very peak, interpenetrate as if they are ritually mating. The female, yin or Mary energy line encloses the masculine, yang or Michael energy in the form of a double-lipped cup. It is a most evocative image.
The configuration of the Mary energy line, containing the phallus-like mediaeval tower of St.Michael, seems to portray a chalice or grail and is thus a potent symbol of the alchemical fusion of universal opposites.
Descending the Tor, the Michael and Mary lines pass precisely through other key sites in Glastonbury's sacred geography. Primary among these are the Chalice Well, Glastonbury Abbey and Wearyall Hill. A study of the myths and legends of these places will reveal more associations with that mystical vessel, the Holy Grail.
One of the most intriguing of all Glastonbury's modern mysteries are the strange balls of colored lights frequently seen spiraling around the Tor. They are said to be scout ships from a large mother ship. In 1970, a local police officer reported seeing eight egg-shaped objects "dark maroon in color, hovering in formation over the hill" and in 1980 a witness saw "several green and mauve lights hovering around the tower, some smaller than others, about the size of beachballs and footballs.
One hovered outside the east facing window". This author spent one summer night sleeping within the tower and, waking from a dream of castles and magical beings, found the interior of the tower radiantly aglow with a luminous white light.
Glastonbury, the mystic isle of Avalon is truly an enchanted place. A sacred site since time immemorial, it is often forgotten but always rediscovered. Today a major haven for pilgrims and spiritual seekers, Glastonbury is a power place of potent transformational energies.
These are the same types of balls of light that are witnessed by many people who see crop circles being formed? These electromagnetic energetic balls of light travel the grid by the ley lines to bring upgrades from the mother ships.

Vesica Pisces at Chalic Well Gardens
And also here at the Gardens are the two wells, the Red and White and legends of the magic of the water abound.
The soft rounded Chalice Hill lies beside the Tor, held by many to be the burial site for the Holy Grail, that ancient mysterious vessel sought by the Knights of the Round Table, signifying the human Quest for spiritual understanding.
Chalice Well in a garden set aside for contemplation, represents the Mother aspect. Its water is highly magnetic and healing, turning everything in its path red-orange.
Chalice Hill is a serenely vital place, where one may hear music, smell unseen roses, and see lights, reports one pilgrim. This is another reported burial place of the Chalice.

Rosslyn Chapel
DURING OUR LAST UPDATE OF THIS PAGE, November 22, 2004 we are currently in Scotland and preparing to pilgrimage to Rosslyn Chapel. Here we have made the commitment to SANANDA to serve this ancient Order once more. Thus at the Sacred Rosslyn Chapel STARDOVES will take Initiation within this Age's International Order of Gnostic Templars (IOGT).
Thus, during our Mystical Templar and Druid Magical Pilgrimage to Scotland, {Dr. Raja} will formally be Initiated as a Squire and {Prof. Moi-RA} as a Lady in Waiting in an organization that supports the spiritual growth of the planet and offers a unique Templar lineage under which to research and advance the Templar and Holy Grail Mysteries.
Due to the growing interest in the Order, we are offering the auspicious opportunity for our readers to join in sacred Initiations in the Order. Visit:
Rosslyn Chapel contains the energetic signature of both the Knights Templars and the Holy Grail. After the extermination of many of the Knights by the Catholic Church, on Friday the 13th of October, 1307 in France, many of the remaining Templars sailed to Scotland and preserved their ancient secrets regarding gnosticism, alchemy, and yoga. Also carrying with them an ancient, unbroken lineage of Holy Grail Masters from the East. This lineage had passed through John the Baptist and John the Apostle before merging with the Templar Grand Masters when the Knights were in the Middle East. The power of this lineage now moves through the Sinclair Clan of Scotland.
On-line References: