May 1-16, 2000

The pilgrimage contained workshops with vital relevance to an understanding of what lies ahead in the ongoing evolution of the Planet Earth, and the formidable obstacles that need be resolved. It is crucial that we become familiar with this information so as to align ourselves with the Plan the Masters Know and Serve and for understanding the nature of global events and the agenda of the Inter-Galactic Assizes that will unfold over the next decade, in preparation for the Mass Landings of 2012!

Each of the sites serviced during the pilgrimage included upgradements concerning the Inter-Galactic agenda, the inter dimensional technologies of the coming planetary shifts and galactic synchronization, a complete program for timed release of the sequence of "Star DNA" strand activations and Global Activations from 2000-2012. This was the first of 12 Global Activation Countdown-2012 Pilgrimages that are officially sponsored by the Inter-Galactic Assizes. The following sacred pilgrimage took place in the month of May, Earth Year 2000.



MAY 3-6


MAY 8- 9
Pah Tempe, UTAH

MAY 10-11 at

May 12-16
Mt. Shasta, California


"The Overall Mission of the GRAND PLANETARY ALIGNMENT PILGRIMAGE, celebRAted May 1-16, 2000, reflexively bonded into the earth community the building of the STAR PORTS. Hence, Earth Bases were established at the following locations: The above locales will now receive specified streams of star energy. Various members of the Space ConfedeRAtion will now use these locales to erect star ports and to commence officially entering this world. This will be in preparation of the mass landings to occur in 2012.

The Inter-Galactic Federation has agreed to work with those gathered in each geographical section so that we may begin to establish the STARPORTS with the love and cooperation of all interested earthlings, governments (without government control-governments can help but the work will proceed under ET Ambassadorial Jurisdiction), shaman, medicine people, star people, light workers, magical folk, alchemists, and scientists. The ETs said they will make these STAR PORTS the places where they will land. They also want us to establish at these STAR PORTS, MISSION CONTROL CENTERS. These will include laboratories, libraries of light and sound and information sources. Pyramids will be built as Temples of Light housing the advanced technology of our extra-terrestrial benefactors and cosmic moms and dads! Contact devices of all kinds will provide direction communication with the Fleets as they prepare for contact with us. They say "This is where they will land, if we build it and trust and work alongside one another in harmony. Before the landing, we must be able to get along. Together, we shall co-create the New Earth."

Earth Scientists with advanced futuristic capabilities gathered with starseed scientists during these 16 days to work alongside magical folk, shaman, medicine people, healers, alchemists, lightworkers and stars seeds! All of us shared our expertise, trusting one another. Working together in peace, to create Peace! Aho!

Planetary Alignment Activation

Pleiadean members of our ConfedeRAtion of Light issued forth Cosmic Tensor Beams from their star ships, that aided greatly during this grand planetary conjunction that transmuted inappropriate energy still bombarding the planet that originated during the fall of Atlantis!

All ceremonies brought blessings into the sacred sites and metropolitan areas. Some of them may have been retaining negative astral debris, causing severe accidents to occur at these places, others may have had lingering energies of the invasions and wars that have occurred over the past 2 millennium. Others may have been full of the hate that Hu kind has directed toward one another and toward those who swim, fly and crawl! Selected ceremonies included a special Pleaidean Upgrade that allowed the New Energy from the Central Sun of the Pleiades to override the curses that caused the fall of Atlantis. Many of the sacred sites had codes left from Atlantis and or Lemuria, we pickied back up these codes for integration, and performed assigned star coded upgrades.

Ken Kalb's Astro-Data on: The Grand Planetary Alignment


We're looking for some individuals, groups, stores, organizations, corporations, entrepreneurs, retailers, etc., to invest - donate - contribute in ways to help expand and promote the next pilgrimages that make up this overall star-upgrade. Please call: 505-751-4254 to inquire further. We also seek light-linked publishers, web sites and media reps who will serve joyously as co-sponsors of these events. Please contact us for details. Bless You! We welcome all Light Workers, Healers, StarSeeds, Walk-Ins, Avatars, Shamen, Musicians, Ceremonilists, Artists, who wish to offer their services. We honor the participation of all sincere beings in this Aquarian Event of the Millennium!

This is not one group's work alone! ... This is an Aquarian Agenda! A New Age Way to relate to one another! We encourage support because this is a bona fide Aquarian Event which contains, what THE TIBETAN MASTER said through dear Alice Bailey: "...the newer truths of the Aquarian Age can only be grasped as a result of group endeavor." - The externalization of the Hierarchy, pg. 30.

The Aquarian Perspectives Mission offerred 10% of proceeds to the Hopi Children Fund - Second Mesa, after this event.

These pilgrimages are co-sponsored by the Inter-Galactic Council of Light to help the World to come to grips with what living together in celebration and honoring one another and the Earth will mean. All those aligned with these principles are invited to participate in the pilgrimages as they feel called.

We are conducting all pilgrimages as acts of JOY in SHARED SERVICE. An idea manifesting from the great TRIANGLES WORK. In this Light we present these pilgrimages as indicated in the book, The Externalization of the Hierarchy by Alice Bailey, "There is a growing demand today for group work, group good, group knowledge, group contact with the divine, group salvation, group understanding and group relationship to God and the Spiritual Hierarchy." These pilgrimages will see units of service of the One Work held by each individual and group which serves the whole. All efforts combine to create a synergy of service. We hope you will enjoy the Joy you receive through your Shared Service with us, and that it will be a useful guide to all who seek to build a world of peace so that they may contribute their quota of effort in the One Work.

The angels tell us, "Go forward into this work with sure courage and with no sense of pressure. Blend the wise methods of the past and present organizations with the vision of the newer types of work. This is a spiritual work in which you are engaged and it has educational objectives which have for their goal the dissemination of those principles which must govern world living and world attitudes during the coming New Age." - Discipleship) in the New Age, Vol. /, p, 167

The Tibetan Master's Phylos and DK (through Alice Bailey}

The pilgrimage contained workshops with vital relevance to an understanding of what lies ahead in the ongoing evolution of the Planet Earth, and the formidable obstacles that need be resolved. It is crucial that we become familiar with this information so as to align ourselves with the Plan the Masters Know and Serve and for understanding the nature of global events and the agenda of the Inter-Galactic Assizes that will unfold over the next decade, in preparation for the Mass Landings of 2012!

Each of the sites serviced during the pilgrimage included upgradements concerning the Inter-Galactic agenda, the inter dimensional technologies of the coming planetary shifts and galactic synchronization, a complete program for timed release of the sequence of "Star DNA" strand activations and Global Activations from 2000-2012. This was the first of 12 Global Activation Countdown-2012 Pilgrimages that are officially sponsored by the Inter-Galactic Assizes. The following sacred pilgrimage took place in the month of May, Earth Year 2000.
