Chapter I
Welcome to the Pleiadean Dove's 1999 Christmas and Year 2000 New
Millennium Light Pilgrimage! This New Millennium Light
Pilgrimage include Anchoring and Upgrading Light Ceremonies held
at ancient sacred sites in several of the United States of
America's Western States.
The assignment commenced on the Solstice - December 22, 1999 and
ran untill January 4, 2000.
Why the American Southwest?
The Inter-Galactic Council explained to us that their first
star-seeded upgrade on this continent took place in the deserts
of Nevada, Mexico, New Mexico, ColoRAdo, Utah and Arizona 36,000
years ago during the LemuRIan times. This same upgrade also
extended into Central and South America. The Anazasi came much
later at sacred ceremonial centers like Chaco Canyon, Mesa
Verde, and Bandelier. Sacred sites such as Mt. Shasta and Sedona
were parts of the old MU colonies and were star-seeded over a
million years ago.
Why the Pleiadean Doves?
We have been working (in this lifetime) for over half a century,
with our inner circle of Light Workers subtly guiding the
evolution of cultures on many worlds and many mansions. We have
worked with the Earth since its inception. We had extensive
Missions here during Hyperboria, Pan, Lemuria, Atlantis, Ancient
Egypt, and Ancient Mayapan. During the last two decades, we have
completely encircled the globe since we consciously embodied in
HU form in this Mission and, at the behest of the Inter-Galactic
Council, have performed ceremonies in:
- Tibet, 1989
- India, 1989
- Egypt: We took 11 lightworkers to Giza and Luxor to
inaugurate the "11:11 Opening of the Doorway and Star Gates"
on January 11, 1992
- Thailand, 1988
- Philippines, 1987
- Greece, 1992
- Paris, 1990
- Central America, 1983
- Mexico, The entire continent! We also took 12 Lightworkers
with us to inaugurate the "Harmonic Convergence" August
16-17, 1987; 1979-1980; 1996; & our 2012 End of Mayan
Calendar work.
- Canada, 1978 and 1991
- Every state in the United States of America, 1984 - to the
- China
- Hawaii - 1986 and 1995
After our deployment to Hawaii, we landed in Santa Fe, City of
Holy Faith in 1996. This led us to re-connect with our Mother
Ship, called the Dove, which has been guarding and protecting,
over lighting, as it were, the American Southwest Quadrant for
over two decades! Our present level of grid work has brought us
closer and closer to the 7 Cities of Cibola, the Sangre de
Cristo (Blood of Christ), an etheric city of magnificent light
over the Sangre de Cristo mountain ranges in ColoRAdo and New
Mexico; and our beloved Dove Mother Ship from the Pleiades, our
starry home!
In issue #25 of the STAR LOVE NETWORK JOURNAL, now renamed the
miles from Santa Fe, last week, we stopped the automobile,
pulled over to the side of the ancient cliff dwellings where
earthlings have lived for thousands of years and watched the
Mother Ship hover for about twenty minutes. Then a smaller craft
appeared from beneath the Ship and we could hear a distant,
audible sound becoming louder and clearer. It was the voice of
our beloved Kadar MonKa who began telling us about the city":
"There is a lush paradise where the blessed dwell, where only
the pure in heart may enter. This place knows not suffering,
aging, need, poverty, loneliness, hunger, war, greed nor crime.
It is a veritable oasis where no solitary instance of a negative
deed has ever transgressed its realm. This place can be equated
to Mount Olympus, Shambhalla, Shangri-La, Avalon, or another
place which mortals have dubbed as ‘the dwelling of the Gods,’
for indeed, that is exactly what this place is – a dwelling of
Ascended Beings, Gods and Goddesses, Extra- terrestrials by all
means, only of goodly design.”
Our beloved friend and wise counselor from Mars, Kadar MonKa
appeared to clarify the main points in our Mission.
Mission is to serve as beacons, way showers and energy
transmitters for this city. The overall goal is to have the
city begin its manifestation process thereby beaming down into
this dimension, certain of its aspects."
This will see:
- Gods and Goddesses walking again with humankind
- Star Ships Landing to work with humankind
- The Cosmic Parents of the various HU cultures (goodly ETs)
coming to be with their progeny
- New temples and Pyramids built to house the new energy,
heal the sick, regenerate the aged
- Overall, this will integrate into human society all of the
wonderful things we mentioned at the start of this story so
that the Earth will regain her glory and redeem mankind from
suffering such as want, neglect, poverty, illness, aging,
and war! So Mote It Be!
Later Kadar MonKa personally took us up in his scoutship for a
tour of the Sangre de Cristo etheric city. We saw many old
friends and relatives and were reminded once more what it feels
like to be really healthy. We saw many who appeared to be in
their thirties but were known to be well advanced in years. Most
of them wore simple robes and long flowing hair. They were
beautiful and perfect in every way. These Great beings possessed
vast supernatural powers, with great spiritual knowledge,
supreme technological abilities, everything the Earth once had,
and is heading to be once more.
The city is invisible as it is made of subtle etheric web-like
substance. Being there is like constantly receiving magical
elixirs and special potions as well as gifts of every imaginable
design. Everything appears to be one beautiful transcendent,
omnipotent existence. Jade and precious jewels line both sides
of the streets, constantly giving natural energies to all who
glide by. The trees look like crystals of different shapes and
colors. Pegasus and unicorns live there with a whole legion of
fairies, gnomes and other members of the Middle Kingdom. The
SpacePort admits travelers from all over the Omniverse. We
witnessed at least 35 different types of star crafts coming and
Lady Aphrodite approached us and spoke: “Return to our earthling
brothers and sisters, and remind them of what you have seen here
again. For your spirits have come from these realms and so have
many of those now serving on the Earth. So too, is it the
destiny of all humankind to dwell in a place like this. We all
work for the day when all of creation on earth will bask in
paradise cities like these.”
“No matter that some think of you as egoistic for telling these
tales; no matter that your Mission is seemingly stopped in its
tracks when it is about to enter or record a new step for
humankind; none of these matters, for every step we take, as
long as we are on the path, is another step in the direction of
assisting humankind to reach these shores.”
The Sangre de Cristo etheric city has, as its mission, to
pattern HU culture after its lofty design. It is the blueprint
for the inevitable way that HU culture will exist during this
Aquarian Golden Age.
Kwan Yin, who also helps this city from her home in Shambhalla,
startled us by her appearance and said, “I knew the time will
come when we will meet again, as we have worked together since
time immemorial, in helping to lessen the burden of HU-kind and
aid this planet in her evolutionary process. There is so much
cleansing to be done and we need more souls to coordinate in
this transmutation to the next dimension. Go and advise more to
awaken and go about their task. With much love in your hearts,
there is nothing impossible.”
That article was written in 1997, and 2 years later we were
nestled deep within the Sangre de Cristo mountains at our TAOS
ASHRAM. We have since had many experiences with the Mother Ship
and the Etheric City. Per the guidance of the Inter-Galactic
Council, we began ceremonies and classes working with Earth's
bio magnetic electric crystalline grids, ley lines, vortices and
power chakRAs here at the TAOS ASHRAM.
To commence this portion of the mission, we were directed by our
Pleiadean Guides from the Dove Mother Ship to gain Pyramids and
MerKAbahs as star tools to do the work .
The Council of 18 EL-ders, one from each planet in this solar
system, (there are many so-called undiscovered and unnamed
planets in this system), are now upgrading intelligence on this
planet. We will be bringing 3 advanced star technologies with us
who will use to monitor and channel through the necessary
energies to accomplish these upgrades. These star tools are
Individual information concerning these tools will now be
- UNIXITRON: Projects Pure Light Consciousness from the
Divine Mind of St. Germain. It is the star tool this Grand
Alchemist and Hierophant of the Aquarian Age uses to perform
his Divine Alchemy of turning the Earth into Spiritual Gold,
rather than that from which it has been vibRAting for
several millenniums! Now is the time for the Earth to be
magically transposed into a Great Ball of Love Light! The
crystals we will be planting at all sacred sites have been
charged in our UNIXITRON, "purified in the Love of
CHRISTRON, in order to be manifested in METATRON and so
consolidated as the One and Triune Light"
- The UNIXITRON ascends all-ways - thus causes a change in
all those living, moving, breathing and taking its life
within the sacred bio magnetic crystalline electric grids
of the Earth, whereby there is an ascending movement
toward the nucleus being, toward the Holy Being, toward
divinity, absolute and total."
- Thus when we plant our crystals in Los Alamos. Las Vegas
and Reno, we know that Hu KIND will now have a Greater
impetus to do right: to love, to care, to share. Gone will
be the illusions, the sins, the hate, the crimes, etc., to
phase out of the HU experience such impetus to seek
gratification through the senses without care, without
love. Thus the vast empires of this illusion - Las Vegas,
Los Alamos and, as they call it, the biggest little city
in the world ... Reno. Now these interests will just die
out and those who re-main will profit by switching their
fortunes into systems that help people. Thus, no one
loses- WE ALL GAIN! WIN - WIN - WIN - No one loses!
- Thus the Battlecry of the Seattle WTO re-sisters will
- MERKABAH: "Divine Light vehicle used by the Masters to
probe and reach the faithful in the many dimensions of the
Divine Mind. The Merkabah can take on many forms of a
brilliant violette in the physical worlds." - KEYS OF ENOCH,
Dr. J.J. Hurtak, Academy for future Science. We brought our
MerKaBah which is in the form of internally joined points of
the Icosahedron, and the resulting lines from a
Dodecahedron, a regular polyhedron consisting of 12 faces
and 20 vortices. Constructed in this manner, our MerKaBah
projects the vortices of the Dodecahedron which may be
imaged as being 22 energy projections within YOUR
inner-space that YOU can project through the MerKaBah
casting LOVE!
- The Icosahedron enclosing the Dodecahedron represents
the dual nature of this Universe that is about to change
rapidly! No longer will there be negative for the balance
will swing and the fulcrum will lead to a NEW MILLENNIUM
of all positives - the new Star Guards-In: LOVE FAITH HOPE
CHARITY. So Mote It Be!
- The MerKaBah has the charged energy to produce such
massive waves of positive energy so the negative forces
will simply vanish! So Mote It Be! OMmmmmmmmm . . . . .
The Following Entities have lent their energies to the
glorious outcome of the Pilgrimage:
- BRahaMA/AbRAham
- Shiva
- Buddha
- White Buffalo Calf Woman
- Aphrodite
- Athena
- Ashtar
- MonKa
- Kwan Yin
- Mary
- Mother MU
Baer, (Hebrew for Dove) a co-Naturopathic physician and
friend of Dr. RA-Ja, collaborated together on perfecting
this tool. Dr. Baer did sacred ceremony at Los Alamos years
before leaving this dimension, and he provides the
explanation of this tool:
"The process of communication is fundamentally one of matching
intelligence codes to corresponding code levels of the UNIVERSAL
ENERGY NETWORK (UEN), thus inducing correlative interactions.
Consciousness can access only those UEN code-levels with which
there is a code correspondence."
The codes we use are CODES OF LOVE AND LIGHT, as supplied by the
MELCHIZEDEK ORDER OF LIGHT. The specific text for the Aquarian
Age interpretation we use comes from the book, "CODE OF LOVE"
which provides the impetus for the energy of the New Millennium:
- The Divine Government shall foster the Action of a
Rhythmic Balanced Interchange between each Planet, System
and Galaxy that forms the BEING OF THE ALL-BEING.
- The Divine Government shall establish the Manifestation of
Love as the only means, basis and motivation of all
- The Divine Government shall sustain the Unification of the
Being from one point to another through the extension of the
Divine Kingdom.
- The Divine Government shall glorify man's sovereignty as a
Free Being in recognition of Itself and in observance of the
Divine Will.
- The Divine Government shall make way for a direct
relationship between all Lifestreams in accordance with the
Divine Plan.
- The Divine Government shall uphold the Supremacy of Love
as the Light Source and Sustainer of all Creation.
- The Divine Government shall harmonize each sector in the
Universe Network by the Manifestation of Order, Light and
We wholeheartedly endorse our good friend and compatriot,
Da Vid, M.D. to assume the Presidency of the Americas.
The entire Northern, Central, and Southern portions of the
American Continent shall merge and we will have one governing
Cast your vote today! See:
What type of ceremony do we perform? We do the AQUARIAN
CEREMONY, which is a synthesis of all that has gone down from
ancient times to the new truth, new law, that light is better!
The shorter and more gleeful the ceremony, the better. Ceremony
is limited because in this Aquarian Age the 7th Ray ceremony is
activated through the exchange of prana between the person and
our star tools. This also serves to protect individuals from the
misuse of the ceremony and the focus of lower psychism and
emotionalism is lighted so that the higher intuition, the I AM
SELF, through bestowing right relationship increases.
Metatronics is based on Angelic reality and is termed the
Science of God - known as METATRON. With these light tools, the
Science of Metatronics through the Orders of Melchizedek,
especially Machiventa Melchizedek, help to bring together the
light body and the Soul - the etheric field and spirit.
Machiventa Melchizedek [MM] came to planet Earth 2,000 years
before Jesus A Christ and "dedicated his life in spreading and
keeping alive the Truth of the One God. He took Salem
(JerUSAlem) as the Center for teaching, and there he became
known as he came to teach. * [NOTE: We pilgrimaged to JerUSAlem
in March of 2001 and laid the remaining set of crystals on the
grid.] These are the energies that are transmitted through all
of our Star Tools. MM is one of 7 HeadMasters in charge of the
energy work done through the Pleiadean Dove Light Work applied
to Earth Grids and all Inter-Planetary Grid work now being
carried forth through the auspices of the Inter-Galactic
ConfedeRAtion of Peace. This august body has now taken over
supreme charge in the affairs of all planets in 7 concentric
rings of solar systems.
Overshadowed by the prophecy and invocation of:
"In times of Great Need, those who devoted their lives to
helping others will rise again."
The charging ceremonies will be happening live and recorded on
this lovely Internet-work, as well as the Inner-Net-Work within
each living being sharing life in this sphere, at long last!
To commence, we were joined by millions of light beings working
from the etheric, making the ONE WORLD OF LOVE AND LIGHT
prophecy a RE-ALITY!
Live Lectures were set up along the grid and attended by local