Prayers Answered Below 
The Aquarian
Perspectives Inter-Planetary Mission has sponsored the
Dolphin Inspired Aquarian Blessing Pods since 1995.
** HERSTORICAL NOTE: This page is one of the original 5
that appeared on this web site's premiere.
This miraculous energy blessing
originated from a pod of dolphins that we connected with
during our deployment to the Hawai'ian islands.
At Kehenna, a beach on the Big Island, our large Lemurian
laser wand connected with their crystal temple.
Our dolphin friends from Sirius telepathically guided us to
establish Blessing Pods to help those who connect with this
page in need. Most dolphins and whales originally came from
the star system Sirius, and have been "vibrational stewards"
of Earth, holding the high frequencies that the planet and
humanity originally embodied. They are blissful beings of
divine intelligence and unconditional love.
STARDOVES original connection with these Sirian dolphins was
in 1995.
Since then, Aquarian Blessing Pods have helped many.
f you wish assistance you may send your prayers
telepathically to the dolphins above. Meditate on the dolphin
Temple above, by sending your prayers through the watery
Temple screen. Send your thoughts of love and light. See the
blessings you wish already there. The flow of energy will come
to you from the dolphins in this Pod who do care about you.
These dolphins are on this world dedicated to help the planet
and her life forms. They are "our brothers and sisters
The Aquarian Blessing Pods are composed of angel dolphins that
exist in Crystal Temples and who love helping humanity. When
you place your Positive prayer requests in their temple, they
will also send healing energy and manifestation magic for you.
They are now positioned all around Mother Earth. This is your
DOLPHIN STAR FAMILY who loves you. The Sirian Dolphins are
joined by various members of the Spiritual Hierarchy and the
Interplanetary ConfedeRAtion, who monitor the requests for
blessings on this site and send you wave forms of energy that
will lead you to those situations in life that will help you
receive the blessings you seek for yourself and others and for
So It Is!
When you pray 'for'
something to happen, then you are focusing on the fact
that it is not there already.
This is the way most of us were
taught to pray. The two main words the soul hears in this
case are 'not there', and so this becomes the real prayer.
The soul resonates with 'not-thereness', and therefore
does nothing to attract the desired state. But when we
'Pray Positive', affirming that what we wish for is
already there - then this way what we are really doing is
feeling as if the thing we are praying for is already
there. We feel the completion of the prayer rather than
the lack, and the soul responds accordingly. It begins to
resonate with our wishes and needs, drawing into its
sphere the experience of the thing desired, since this is
what the mind has focused on. The prayer is answered
automatically because the soul has followed an established
code, attracting the state that has already been 'felt'
rather than the experience that has been resisted.
So It Is!
While You are Praying Please Pray For:
** HERSTORICAL UPDATE: In March of 2014 . .
. I, Raja, who wrote this page, was personally
help[ed] by these dolphins nearly 20 years - 2 decades since
their inspiring me to allow them to work within the Mission
to assist people with their needs and prayers in an Aquarian
It began when a wonderful
supportive member of our Mission told me she could get me
a ticket to Hawai'i from her frequent flyer miles if I
thought the trip would do my spirits good? Since the
departure of my twin-flame-wife to Venus, my energy
patterns had not yet recovered sufficiently to be a
channel or powerful radiating light. The light had dimmed,
as in life when the energy is not able to flow profusely
or fully! immediately I said YES! ... and off we
went to Hawai'i, and to a Cetacean Conference happening
there at that time! ... and presto, via the magic of
the dolphins I was off to another large adventure in my
life and again to the Big Island of Hawaii! Once
again the Dolphins came to me with miraculous love and
blessing, and as well, the Great Work they have inspired
me to do this time has increased from the Aquarian Love Pods on the
Internet, to a full blown working directly with a very
special ET dolphin pod on the planet via vortex tours!
This time the adventure continues at the lost Atlantean
Isle of Bimini!
I wonder if this most kind
soul, dear Megan, actually read this page on my
web site and decided to take it upon herself to magically
work with the dolphins to assist me in this
way. Well wonder no more the dolphins say even
if she never tells you such, we are here to tell you that we
telepathically worked with her to assist you in this
"What you are is gods gift to you,
What you do with yourself is your gift to god."
- White Buffalo Calf Woman.
"I send you out as sheep amongst
Be ye therefore wise as serpents,
yet gentle as doves."
- Jesus the Christ