

PLUS: A Tarot Masterpiece - it is the source for the Course Material, and it is 872 pages!  It is called, "HOLISTIC TAROT"

Buy it at Amazon, Barnes and Nobles or wherever you get your books . . . it is only $29.95 and could have easily sold for $50, $60 or even a $100!

by Benebel Wen (Master Tarot Reader/Teacher)


Description of Course

Intuitive Tarot: The Complete Tarot Card Reading Masterclass * Certified: Enhance Your Intuitive Psychic Mediumship Ability & Deliver Accurate Tarot & ANY TYPE OF ORACLE CARD Readings Confidently * Have you always been attracted by tarot or other types of oracle cards? * Have you picked up the cards and wished you could read these kinds of cards for others? * Have you always wanted to take tarot & oracle card reading up as a career move? * Well, if the answer to any of these questions is yes that this Intuitive Tarot Masterclass course is for you. * We took this work to a higher octave / March 2021 in Ecuador at Tosa Blue Mountain where I gave a basic and an advanced oracle card reading classes that were broadcast live across the planet to a well-received and well-attended international (Zoom) audience.

This extra-special course is brought to you by one with over 50 years/ half a century experience reading sacred Oracle cards and The Tarot for others in this lifetime and is one of *** highest rated mentors ***** Beloved Master Mystic Zadok RA Osiris.

I would recommend this course if you were a beginner, have some experience, or are an experienced professional looking to sharpen your intuitive skills and learn to read your cards in a more connected and spiritual way. * I always believe in the saying that when the student is ready, your teacher will appear, and this course is very much that * I AM here to help you develop a spiritual skill that you can share with others and develop in a way that will allow you to teach those who want to understand and learn the way of spiritual intuitive tarot. It is also a great adjunct to any other healing or helping practice you may have. In time you will find that this system can really help you steer your entire life upward to a higher level with a deeper connection to your ancestors, spirit guides, star family, royal court family, angel and ET helpers, and of course the dragons, and unicorns who all await you here!


Comprehensive description of each Lesson contents

            This is more than a tarot course; this is a spiritual masterclass in developing your personal oracle and be able to read all cards to assist people mystically and magically.



Course Cost


7x$135 + $250 DP= $1195 TOTAL COURSE COST, can be paid in 1 of 3 choices as follows (2 of which includes discounts):



7 payments over 14 months, starting with $250 Down payment and $135 every 60 days for 13 months (6 payments more), paying one lesson in advance so your last lesson is essentially free.



3 payments 60 days apart, 1st payment of $500 down and then two payments later at $275 ea. = $1050  (save $145 OFF Full Price)



1 payment of $500 down now and $444, sixty days later = TOTAL REDUCED TO ONLY $944 = (SAVE $251! WOW! OFF FULL PRICE! When paid in advance in this method!) 


Once you decide which plan you wish, kindly make payment using Zelle to my phone number of 575-770-5426 or my 2nd preference is to use the pay pal format below.


Please see complete description of the Course below and the extra Lessons #8 ADVANCED/GRADUATE & #9: MASTERCLASS at $150 ea. = $300 to add to your charges above if you wish to pay all at once - * or you can choose to pay each lesson, including #8 and #9 as you are ready for each one every other month. The entire course is meant to be complete in 18 months and is then called the Masterclass. 


* If you need to call me to clarify anything, feel free anytime at 575-770-5426  (RA)

Remit Course Payment Below:


The last lesson is the Master's Lesson, but the entire course is the Masterclass.  Please do not request extensions as we need to open and close the course in a timely manner (we can always adjust our days around during the course, but not to extend, just move days to suit you when needed).  This way you and I can live our lives and complete the course at the same time. The Masters ask that you enroll in the course with the full intention as a sacred disciple undertaking Initiation upon the Path of Light; for in truth, that is exactly what this Course is; it is a class of Initiation via Cards of Light. Look forward to graduation day, which will be set at the commencement of the course, exactly 18 months later.  We will be making note of this day throughout the course and there are also banquets and ceremonies, awards, and certificates; all to be shared and described as we go, and all are cyber/digital (how do we have a cyber banquet? :-)  There is an opportunity for a live visit here to my Inner Sanctum on the Graduation Class time (if advanced planning is given) then a real live banquet at a local vegan  restaurant can be arranged. After your Inner Sanctum Graduation ceremony (virtual or live) Some students have really loved this opportunity, yet most are content on the computer (via my other courses as taught in my Knights Templar Initiate Lessons, and Iridology Classes).


Course content

* There are 7 Basic/Standard Lessons for Beginners to acquaint YOU with the Tarot and or with Intuitive Cards and How to Read Cards for Self and Others Using the real Master Teacher (Your Intuition).

+ 1 Advanced Graduate Course the 8th Lesson

+ A final BONUS 9th Lesson / The Masterclass *


All Lessons are 1 hr. 33 minutes per class (including a personal reading/guidance for you each lesson)


* TOTAL COURSE TIME CONTENT IS 13 hours, 33 minutes.  Course is 9 total lessons and taken at the rate of 1 Lesson every other month = 18 months or exactly 1 and a half years.


Comprehensive description of each Lesson contents


Lesson #1:  Introduction to Reading Tarot or other Oracle Cards for yourself and or others

Tarot Cards * Dragon Tarot * Unicorn Tarot * Animal Tarot * Thoth Tarot and I could go on and on.

* Your lessons will be by Telephone and Facetime if you have it on your cell phone and some Zoom is being introduced when possible.  This gives YOU, the seeker here now, more insight * more sight and since you really loved seeing me and the lights around me during my Ecuadorian courses; I want you to have this exposure as much as possible here. Phone lessons are also very nice and capable, with occasional Facetime. 

In your practice eventually you will most likely do many of your readings by the telephone, on-line, via Zoom.



Lesson #2: Preparing for a Reading

·  Shuffling, Cutting, and drawing the cards

·  Signifier Cards, see chapter 10, "HOLISTIC TAROT"

·  More on setting the Altar for the Reading space, use sacred cloths, velvet, silk, cotton, satin.  Place crystals and images of angels and devas you work with, also see chapter 21, "HOLISTIC TAROT."

·  You will give me a short reading now from the Sacred Rebels Deck for your first practice session.


Lesson #3: How to use my techniques to improve your Tarot Reading, • see chapters 17, 18 & 19 of "HOLISTIC TAROT"

·  Ethics of Reading Cards

·  Court Cards (study see chapter 12 "HOLISTIC TAROT")

·  Messages from the Venusian Angels and other godly ETs here to assist us as otherworldly aides to interpret the cards and bring blessings thru LOVE ~ TELEPATHY and the LIGHTS you saw when you took my first course ... these will become a part of your readings and life from now on.

·  I will give you another short reading for guidance in the course and your new life once you go on the road and start giving readings professionally.


Lesson #4: Cyclopedia of Card Meanings; we will study the "HOLISTIC TAROT" chapter 9 for this in-depth study of important Tarot cards.

                        Study in the use of the "Sacred Rebels Oracle" which is a 45-card alternative deck to the Tarot, which has some of the most astounding

                        excellent guidance for giving readings and advice to people in today's world ~ also excellent when reading for the new age kids

                        (30 somethings), families, etc., It has absolutely become my most favorite deck of all; and that led me to the White Light Oracle Cards and               the Kwan Yin Oracle Cards that we will examine here and compare with the Tarot Cards for your education and edification.


Lesson #5 Favorite Card Spreads to Enhance Your Card Reading • see chapter 14 "HOLISTIC TAROT"

            The 78 Cards for Tarot Readings / other Oracle Cards may have 44 or 45 cards, etc., so we will not pay much attention to how many cards used, and neither do I teach or utilize REVERSE MEANINGS, my Spirit Guides have said there are no need to bring in the negative into any kind of situation. However, I AM also a user of the I-Ching Oracle, where you use coins, sticks, or cards that represent THE TAO, or ways of life, just as cards do. The Tao has a way of warning and expressing using yin-yang, rather than negative-positive which makes the coarse negative disappear, so sometimes we can look at REVERSE TRADITIONAL MEANINGS TO REALLY HELP THE CLIENT.

Lesson #6: Y/Our Cards reflect: The Celtic Cross, A Sacred Relationship Spread, A Sacred 7 Card Spread, Astrology, Chakra's, Numerology, Acupuncture, Meridian Lines, Personal & Planetary Ley Lines and more!

                        Reading the Cards for yourself *

*      Lesson # 6 is a Living Light Lesson and left open to determine what needs be taught you as an individual (what are your needs)?  These will become evident during the Course and by Lesson 6 I will be able to adopt live new situations for teaching - just for you and have left time for it in this 6th lesson.


Lesson #7: Major Arcana/Minor Arcana descriptions * Lesson # 7 is also a Living Light Lesson and left open to determine what needs be taught to you as an individual, what are your needs?  These will become evident during the Course and by Lessons 6 and 7 I will be able to adopt live new situations for teaching just for you and have left time for it in this final lesson on the basic levels. 


Also as living light we want to see how to draw out the seeker to find out how the Oracles are helping them to address their questions and needs - some may not have direct questions but want guidance as given from spirit - then our work is a little different we read the cards rather than attempting to answer specific questions - bot are part of the professional reader's work.


*      Bonus!  Consider that the 1st 7 lessons are actual getting to know the cards and how they work with your inner dynamics and magic as it moves across your reading board Altar or your reading cloth and Altar and the atmosphere surrounding it, the lights that are evident and come to assist you, and each of the first 7 lessons makes you get a feel for the entire card reading environment . . . you become proficient at reading the cards ... the last two lessons are designed to make you a PRO-FICIENT PRO-FESSIONAL AT READING THE CARDS FOR OTHERS * A SUBTLE DIFFERENCE A MASTER WILL UNDERSTAND.



***   SAY YES TO YOU!!   ***

Intuitive Advanced Card/Tarot Reading Class: (only for graduates of the first 7 lessons, or current experienced readers.)

Lesson #8

* The rest of the contents of this class/Initiation is secret and only divulged at the time we do the lesson.

Current price$150

Original Price $199.99

* Or lower when bundled (see above Payment Options for entire course).






I will help you in this Lesson to Develop Your Reading Skills as a Professional designing stationary, business cards, advertisements sent via MWS & more!

Tarot and Professional Development,  see also chapter 27, "HOLISTIC TAROT."


We introduce the Dolphins, Dragons and Unicorns into your Readings.  They are all very much a part of all our readings

Current price$250

Original Price$199.99

* Or lower when bundled (see above Payment Options for entire course).




In Closing,


I help people grow, personally and spiritually empowering them to live a full life of love, clarity and purpose


* My mantra is

" I help you to help yourself live a happy balanced spiritual life with clarity and purpose"

* I am so pleased spirit guided me to the work that I do, as it has helped so many people and the response has been incredible.

I AM so joyous to be one of the highest rated teachers on Intuitive Card Reading to ever exist ~ and that I have shared my experience and love with so many bright souls like yourself.

My spiritual journey started over 55 years ago, when I was 16, and I know our pathway can be on times challenging and lonely * That is why I started teaching, so that you can have the support, love, and guidance along your journey.

My courses are all channeled and un-edited and this means we connect with the divine and learn from the greatest teachers there is and that is spirit. *

 I am here if you ever need me and I answer every email, review, and message, let me help you to help yourself live a happy spiritual life with clarity and purpose. At 73, I AM here and I care, I do take every other day off for my health, yoga and physical exercise, meditation, affirmations and private spiritual cosmic practice . . . every other day I then devote back to my students, clients, family and star~soul family *

 I am inspired by mysticism, divination and energy medicine and I am dedicated to sharing my knowledge of these important subjects with others. This has become my calling in life.

For over 55 years I have been guiding people, using my healing, and teaching abilities to help others live better lives; happier, more fulfilled and connected to the sacred. I used to operate a flourishing Naturopathic practice worldwide. I am also a Spiritual Tarot & Intuitive Card reader, Psychic, Medium and Elder ET Ambassador and High Priest as well as Initiated in several sacred mystical orders of light. Many of my clients see me for Spiritual Counseling, mentorship, and supervision.

I have trained as a Psychic Medium, Tarot reader, Spiritual Counselor,  Naturopath, Bach Flower Practitioner, Nutritional advisor, Laser Therapist Rosicrucian, Theosophist, and Matrix Re-imprinting practitioner . . .

I am a published writer, I have organized many Seminars, Webinars and Card trainings worldwide over the past half-century. 


          Your Instructor,

Beloved Master Mystic

💖🏆  RA Za EL 🌷💜

High Priest of the Order of the Golden Ruby Robe

(pictured far right, at Rosllyn Chapel with twin-soul MoiRA & Grand Prior, Scottish Knights Templar Sir Ian Sinclair)