STARDOVES PILGRIMAGES have been the source of a wide variety of paranormal and mysterious occurrences. People have felt breezes or winds blowing close to them. Both cold and warm layers surround us at various times during our pilgrimages. Other crew members have observed phantom lights, heard voices or felt strange tingling sensations surrounding them. Of course the more psychic among us see an assorted gathering of Light Beings, Ascended Masters, Goodly Extra-terrestrials, Inner Earth beings, Fairies, Gnomes, Mermaids, Leprechauns, Pegasus, Unicorns, and more. Nothing we have ever witnessed developed like it did in the Enchanted Dunsmuir Botanical Gardens near Mount Shasta, California. Discover the many photos following taken during the period of the DAY OF CONTACT - HARMONIC CONCORDANCE - all at the foot of dearly beloved MOUNT SHASTA!

Can you see the Violet Star Globe of Light - taken at Enchanted Dunsmuir Gardens where a Telosian Portal was identified |

the suggestion is that these globes represent the energetic presence of ADAMA and Lady Rosalea |
 Here is another, taken at the first DAY OF CONTACT |

Can you see Adama's head just above Larry over his right shoulder? Larry Frank invites people to contact him if they have interest in Telos and or have interesting photographs of the Mount Shasta area. |

Violet Star Ships |

Violet Star Ship & Fairy |

Violet Globes on the Holy Altar Rocks |

Violet Star Ship & Fairy |

Violet Star Ship |

Clear Globes on the Holy Altar Rocks |

Sacred Crew that gathered for the rare 2004 Venus Transit on the Rocks |

Sacred Crew For the Rare Venus Transit.
Nurse Violet, who took most of these pictures is in the
blue sweater in the middle with STARDOVES.

An Amazing Clear Globe |

Cave Springs

Clear Globe |


Clear Globe |

Clear Globe on the Sacramento river |

Hedge Creek Falls, an ancient Lemurian-Dunsmuir Temple

Hedge Creek Falls, an ancient Lemurian-Dunsmuir Temple

Hedge Creek Falls, an ancient Lemurian Temple |

Hedge Creek Falls, an ancient Lemuria Temple |

In Dedication to our dear friend Nurse Violet, who inspired this page |
When Larry Frank gave his recent Sea Cave Testimonial he pointed out, "For me the "highlight" of the pilgrimage was when Raja, Moi-Ra and myself read to the group a particular segment from "Secret Places of the Lion" that reveal who I was 12,000 years ago and what I did (the burying of teloium tablets that contain information that "future man" would need in order to survive in a New Age yet unborn) and what I am supposed to do in this reincarnation which is to retrieve the tablets that I buried with ones who would help me in the documentation and energetic support of the retrieval of these tablets. Though our dear brother Larry received this impression and wrote these words himself, later he went to a reader who told him that he did not have to discover these tablets and that this was not necessarily his past-life identity. Larry stopped believing and that was the end of the tablet recovery project at that time! There will be a star crew that will assemble itself for this work at the proper time. Larry continues contact with us and we've learned of his involvement in another very special project which you can see from his most recent
web site.
Contact Larry at: