The McClung Home
in Mount Shasta, California
A Foci of the Ascended Masters

Bob and Jane Mc Clung were so kind to allow STARDOVES to use their home in Mt. Shasta while they were taking up quarters in their new home in Colorado.

The term 'Ascended Masters' refers to those souls who supposedly, after many incarnations and life experiences, have mastered the lessons of the physical realm which is about balance and the games of emotions and then ascend - return to higher consciousness of thought and light. They have chosen to serve planet Earth in its ascension process as mass consciousness is moving back to source.

Ascended Masters speak/channel to us - through synchronicities, dreams, meditations, art, music, other aspect of the creative mind - intuitive side of the brain - the right brain - also known as the feminine side. Ascension means a return to the higher frequencies which we think of as a return to the feminine aspects of our souls.

Connecting with an ascended master is a place we go to access the higher knowledge that we don't understand is inherently ours. They are a source we tap into when we want to trigger that higher knowledge within us. We search by sound, light and color then connect to that 'master' by frequency.

"The massed power of goodwill, the dynamic effect of intelligent and active understanding, and the potency of a trained and alive public opinion, which desires the greatest good of the greatest number are beyond belief. This dynamic power has never been employed. It can today save the world."
-Djwhal Khul

As soon as STARDOVES arrived the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul began advanced programming for their work while at Mt. Shasta.

The Ascended Master Djwhal Khul's main energetic components are of the Second Ray of love and wisdom. He said the teachings, or the energetic imprints he would cast for our work while in Mt. Shasta would involve deper levels of love and wisdom for all those with whom we come into contact.

Djwhal Khul made his Headquarters with all of us there at the McClung Home. For a time, at evenings STARDOVES would give discourses from the Master to all those gathered. Previous Incarnations of the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul include Confucius and a Tibetan Lama overseeing a large monastery in the Himalayas. In the 1900's he achieved his sixth Initiation and ascended. He can materialize, dematerialize and bilocate. He works to balance energies to make them easily accessible to all. He is responsible for making much of the formerly hidden esoteric knowledge widely available through the writings of H.P. Blavatsky, and Alice Bailey, among others. Shortly after leaving the physical plane in the late 1800's Djwhal Khul began working with El Morya, Kuthumi, and St. Germain to assist them in the research of Helene Blavatsky. His teacher is Master Kuthumi.

The Ascended Master Djwhal Khul is widely known as "The Tibetan".

This view captures where the Mission Office was located here on the far left side. This is where the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul and the Ascended Master's Sananda and St. Germain would come to direct the work that the Aquarian Perspectives Inter-Planetary Mission was being given to offer the people of Mt. Shasta and the Earth.

Below are some of the Ascended Masters that came to give discourse or were directly involved during the program administered through STARDOVES by The Ascended Master Djwhal Khul while at the McClung Foci.

* El Morya - Blue Ray - Throat Chakra * Lord Ganesh * Gautama Buddha * Hilarion - Green Ray - Healing - Heart Chakra * * Jesus / Sanada * * John the Baptist * Kuthumi Yellow Ray - Solar Plexus * Lady Nada Orange Ray - Sacral Chakra * Maitreya * Mary * Melchizedek * * Metatron * Milarepa * Quan-Yin * Saint Germain - Violet Ray - Crown Chakra * Sanat Kumara * Serapis Bey - Red Ray - Root Chakra *

The work that was administered was to the Ring of Fire. We did various Earth’s Genesis {Gene-ISIS} where we employed : Radiesthesia and BioGeometry. We also worked with the Telosians through High Priest Adama and High Priestess Rosalea of the Inner Earth Queendom named Telos.