Report on Progress of our work in Mount Shasta with the establishing of a communET and of a Telosian Portal Property

Our labors in joy the past year in bringing the Inner Retreat of the Ascended Master Saint Germain to the outer world in America, Land of the Free Home of the Brave, and in establishing a Telosian Portal property and CommUNITY in Mount Shasta, California has encountered a rocky road. Therefore Ascended Master St. Germain is deploying us to another location. We will be moving our mobile Winnebago Ashram to warmer climes for the Winter. Yet there is so little time left to get the communET together that it is not for weather that we look for, but where there are just a few righteous individuals who realize what is upon us and are ready, willing and able to roll up their sleeves and do the work necessary.

Why you ask such a low outcome here in America's Top Spiritual Site? Humans are just not ready, not even collections of Lightworkers. Not even the star seeds among them. It takes a rare Initiate to get the work done. To get a collection of Lightworkers to band together and really support commUNITY simply has not been rewarding. St. Germain's work always proceeds in Divine Order. As does our Mission. It is not failure for us, as we have planted the star seeds. Perhaps when we return, they will have sprouted up. As it stands now, the ground seems barren. Our work with the Freedom Flame for the USA shall continue as we are bidden by the Council of 12! Your Prayers are Welcome. Perhaps we have not been up to the task, though we did all we could to gather everyone together.

Sananda Speaks: "If we were to impart our wisdom and knowledge to all mankind, indiscriminately, equally to the vicious and the virtuous - we would be guilty of leading to the total destruction of Gaia. Imagine if we allowed the profane, the curiosity and shiny light seeker, but with no will to leave the way of the beast and serve the Light to possess the tremendous power of Love to help build the communET. Wouldst it not be built on a weak foundation most likely to wilt at the first challenge? Engaged in a titanic war of good versus evil we are. In the minority, Good has been on the defense since Lemuria and Atlantis. While Evil has ever been in the attack mode. In Gaia's present condition, evil is a more active principle than good, and evil prevails nearly everywhere on Earth at present. Just look around."

It is for this reason STARDOVES are being deployed to Scotland and then on to Arizona, to prepare the Land there for the Star CommunET. The vicious has won out again, and so the Council of 12 is redeploying us. Thank Goddess we have sheep of other flocks around the world of greener pastures. In this case literally, in mystical ancient Scotland and then Arizona = Star Gematria interpretation = Ari's zone, or The Lion of God's Zone. Thus we are bid by those who sent us to Earth to administer our lore only to those who will not misuse it, or mock it. The vast majority still cannot see beyond our human skin, to see the star seeded Ambassadors that we are. Talking to us as if we were just the average run of the mill human; meaning they can ridicule, curse, reject and all the other ways they treat each other down here. Oh' but we could focus on love alone!

Yes we have met complacency and indifference face to face. No blame, as we understand that it is hard to conceive that ET ambassadors really live in human form, and so to them we must just be humans. We forgive them, for they know not what they do. The Lightworkers who we have contacted who exist here, or come here for their spiritual sustenance, either just do not care enough or are too busy, or as some have told us, are just too worried about their own homes and lives. There is still a good core crew here and perhaps we shall return home one day to find they are ready. For now the Masters have told us, they are not ready. Remember, STARDOVES were married here atop this mountain in this lifetime in 1984. Returning every year since then and for 7 years assisted Dr. Joshua David Stone in presenting WESAK to the masses. We also have counterparts and relatives in Telos, the city beneath the mountian. This is our Spiritual Home. We are not Johnny-come-latelys and do know a little of what we speak. No blame intended anywhere. We have worked this past year on every side of the mountian. Having residence in the mid-section at Black Butte. In the North at Lake Shastina. Now lastly here in the South at Castle Crag, just south of Dunsmuir. We have met with many groups and many individual Lightworkers.

The Council of 12 tests those who come to us for guidance and assistance, as well as those brought into our orbit for the various spititual works. These tests serve to purify the passions and fine-tune the purposes of each. It places terrific guardians and lofty barriers between the ambitions of vice and what people profess to be about, and seeking the higher heaven of the Ascended Masters and the Goodly ETs.

Mt. Shasta herself is supreme. Perhaps this is the only town where we have lived that does not have murders, rapes and robberies. We see no sign of this. Yet in other towns, small and large, the newspapers are full of such! The Lightworkers abound and most are of high soul and sweet in heart. We only wish we had time and method to appeal to them all. Perhaps we can call one final town meeting before we leave. As since posting this article, we have received telephone calls and emails, requesting forgiveness and asking us not to go and to please try again!

Ahjumawi Story of Black Butte

Black Butte from I-5, Mt. Shasta, California

We feel that the summation of our experience can be found in this wonderful Ahjumawi Story of Black Butte by Floyd Buckskin. Floyd is a Ahjumawi native of the band of Pit River Indians, whose traditional lands lie south and east of Mount Shasta.

"In the beginning the Creator lived on Earth with his son and his only daughter. Mt. Shasta was his home. At that time all people (the humans and all forms of animals were called people by the natives) lived in harmony and anyone could talk to the Creator anytime."

This is one of the problems Earth has had in its long shadowy past. You have had priests, ministers, and shamans who you had to pay or consult in order to hear God or get the message from Great Spirit. Even now in the New Age you have channelers who say they have the only way and everything must be as they channel. Then the multitudes flock to them putting out their hearts to one who has the power to interpret the words of Creator. Then there begins animosity, jealously and slavery of the people. The people believe more in phenomena, then the truth. Would rather watch a football game then go do sacred work. Yet, we say it is time now that none need run off to a self-professed channel to hear what Creator or some Master has to tell them. One may now enter the privacy of their own heart and soul and guidance will be forthcoming from any point in the Omniverse. As in the Wizard of Oz, it all lies within! Yet here we have so many running all about the planet to get the latest word from the latest channel who will interpret the latest word from Creator, Jesus, ADAMA, St. Germain, Aphrodite, Quan Yin, etc. etc. Again we proclaim to all that the Creator has endowed you each with the inalienable gift to speak to Holy Spirit and get your answers from within. THE GREAT I AM APPLIES TO EVERY BEING! Yes, in days of old, humanity did have direct access to Creator and all the Holy Ghosts ... and this is returning in this Age of Aquarius as the many of us from yonder stars, Light workers and beings from the future have come to lead the goodly humans in bringing about the New Earth.

I recall the words of Quetzalcoatl when he guided STARDOVES in the establishing of the Aquarian Perspectives Inter-Planetary Mission on Earth "Yea though you will wander far and wide, from village to village spreading the true Good News of the Holy Gospel of Loving thy neighbor as thyself, and that we are our sisters and brothers Keepers; and that the Father has Many Mansions (planets) in His Kingdom. You will be despised, mocked, and spat upon! But do not turn back, for something the Lord of the Universe has assigned to you." Like the prayer of Jesus, "Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil for the Lord is my Shepherd." These have kept the hearts of STARDOVES firmly planted in the stars, as they tread this planet ever so gently. Yes, they too, have reacted like Jesus from time to time and picked up the whip and whipped out the profane from the Holy Places! The more scorn that is heaped upon them and accusations of messiah complex, spiritual pride, and disbelief again that they are Ambassadors from the Stars. Then they cry out, Oh Holy Mother-Father God, only if this Cup could pass over us." Yet the GREAT INNER I AM, TELLS THEM TO KEEP A FIRM FOOTING. That indeed soon the New Earth will be upon us all, and a New Heaven above and within, and ALL SHALL STAND REVEALED! Hallelujah!

"As the only daughter, being raised by her father and older brother, she wanted her own space at times and was lonely. The Creator understanding this, built an addition to Mt. Shasta for her, Shastina. Her father always told her to stay away from the area to the west side of the mountain. As with the medicine wheel, this is the direction of the dark, of the color black, and of death."

"The daughter was very connected to all of the animals and spent much time talking to them. She was very attracted to the valley to the west where it was so beautiful with streams and rivers, meadows full of wildflowers and many berries. She would venture there often and during those times she would hear singing. Now this singing was coming from Grizzly, but of course she thought of him as being in human form like her."

"When she heard this singing, she intuitively knew that he, too, was alone. After a time he began singing her love songs. She fell in love."

"Then one day they met at the river and began to roam the hills and valley together. During this time the rest of the world had begun falling apart, falling out of harmony. The humans began hunting the animals."

"She decided to stay with Grizzly even though her father did not want her in the west. She accompanied him everywhere he wandered. He began to realize that she needed a home, that she was used to having a house on a hill. So he built Black Butte as her home. It wasn't as pretty a house as she was used to because Grizzly had claws and he just couldn't seem to build it without the claw marks showing. But at least the house would be close to her father."

"After a time she became pregnant and had twins who looked like children to her just as Grizzly looked like a man to her."

"Her brother, Ahnikahdel, began looking for her because their Father had determined that the world had become too violent to live in. The people had even started killing each other, and it was time to go back to live in the sky. He finally found her and told her that they had to leave. When the father found out about her twins he was displeased because she was really a spirit being not an earth being and he had had other plans for her."

"After the brother left the valley, Grizzly told his wife that he had to go live with her father. So she went to the mountain, but her Father and brother had already left in a big mother space ship, like a large flying ark, taking many of the animals with them. Leaving all the animals and humans that were feasting on each other behind. She stayed on the mountain and the twins became other bears, the black and the brown."

"Grizzly had challenged the Creator's authority by taking the daughter and by killing to feed her. The daughter has ate this food of dead life forms, deluded to think that would give her sustenance. Though it did feed the human side of herself, it did not feed the soul. She had forgotten that she was not flesh and bone and needed not eat of the animal brothers and sisters, nor of the humans, that she only need think a thing and it was done for her. Whether she wore flesh or not, her thoughts made her life. She had forgotten that, when she ran off with Griz and took to his ways."

"When the animals saw the humans killing everything, they wanted to kill off all the humans. But the creator told the animals they could not kill the humans, that they must help the humans by giving them their gifts to help them live well. Grizzly and Rattlesnake said they would kill the humans anyway, defying Creator's wish."

"Because Grizzly had dishonored the Creator's wishes, he could not become a man anymore ... he had to remain only a bear. His curse was that he became hunted. In fact the Creator was also displeased with rattlesnake and he took two pieces of acorn bread and threw it at him and flattened his head and cursed him to crawl the ground."

"The daughter is still waiting for her Father to return. She is lying on the mountain (one can see her profile on Casaval Ridge and her hair flowing down to the north) but she is tainted because of her experience. She wails and waits along with all humans and all animals, and all those who walk, talk, swim, fly and crawl, for Father to come and restore creation to its original state."

According to the elders, in the 1850's when the miners came, many Indians were killed on Black Butte and their remains are still there. One is not supposed to hang around up there. Also, because of Grizzly and Rattlesnake and their anger toward mankind, they can harm you if you go up there. The power of Black Butte should be respected. Permission should be asked of Great Spirit to be there.

This sort of sums up the state of the Earth as it is now. It also allowed the Stardove Star Ambassadors living in human form, to realize what is happening here on Earth and even in their beloved Shasta. They wondered why every where they pilgrimaged to in the USA, Hawaii, Mexico, Philippines, and especially in Taos, New Mexico where they just left, there are true stories of how the European came to these lands and killed the natives. This same energy continues toward them in these days, only not as violent, yet same energetic none-the-less.

This is why the Telosians will not come out! They have stated over and over that humanity is too violent and crass for them to emerge and be one with them. The same is true for the ET. Why we would they want to land in the middle of a den of rattle snakes, they have said. They were not speaking of those that crawl on the ground, but rather those two-legged types that smile in your face and behind your back are every ready to betray you in one way or the other, even unto death.

STARDOVES work continues to find the Place where the righteous dwell. There they shall gently lay their pillows and let the stars be their blanket, in the land of the blessed. There they will make a stand with their star ships above them to aide in co-creating the New Heaven and the New Earth. Lo' all these things shall pass, while not a hair on the head will be harmed of any of those who walk in Creator's Love, creating PEACE ON EARTH, GOODWILL TO ALL LIFE! Om! Selah! Hallelujah!

A Word from Blue Otter, a Native American Cherokee Wisdom Keepr from ProphecyKeepersRadio,

If the Grandfathers want us to succeed, we either will or we won't. We may have just been a final witness to be made available to a dying planet. Sometimes people are too depraved to understand, and I think that is what is happening here. A few people are interested, but perhaps not enough to keep what we do funded. We are resigned that if people can't do the right thnigs for the right reason, they will receive no blessings.

Newagers are no different from fundamentalist Christians in that they don't want to be around poor people ... Several years ago, new age folk may have been much more interested ... but I KNOW they ... like fundamentalist Christians ... are both deluding themselves, via authors that are sell-outs and liars ... and have been led to believe that all will be well, and that if you "hold your mouth right" that no pain will be felt as we pass through the Earth Changes ... that they will magically pass into "another dimension" and that no physical preparation will be neccesary ... maybe so, maybe not so ... but that new dimension will probably be where the dead go right now.

Both groups seem to think they are exceptions from the laws of Physics ... Both groups have itching ears and are listening to false teachers ... I am sorry, but it just does not work that way. The Hopi have been through this Change of Worlds 4 times now, and it has always been DIFFERENT from what most New Age authors have twisted it to sound like ... DIFFERENT from what Christian authors portray it to be e.g. the Rapture, which is a false doctrine. Jesus was clear that the WICKED will be taken out first, NOT the righteous!

Merk, you have the right attitudes, and Jesus would be proud of your bravery and fearlessness in the face of the dominant culture. Loving and kind, peaceful and open to possibility of angelic interventions.

But, alas, Prophets have never been popular.

Again I become a wanderer, Lord,
A walker, my God, on your paths.
Again your wind goes through my hair,
Time is gone already.

The lights lost in clouds...
As a leaf, carried by wind
Your wanderer, God,
Walking Your paths.
- Lama Loma from Latvia
The Florida Coastal Beaches and inner peninsula and the Florida Keys East Coast Beaches from the tip of Key West to Miami included: Then we turned inland to the eternal caves of West Virginia, where we encountered inner earth openings and met with ADAMA who had taken an inner earth trolley to meet us, all the way from Mt. Shasta. It only took him 22 earth minutes he said, to go nearly from Coast to Coast! Wow! Then onward to Serpent Mound in Ohio, and thence to Cahokia near St. Louis, tarrying at the Arches near the Mississippi River, and then Westward Ho! Thru Omaha to the Denver-Boulder-Rocky Mountain Area. Later to New Mexico, Taos, Santa Fe and Albuquerque. Finally to Farmington and the 4 Corners Area with Chaco Canyon, Mesa Verde and Hovenweep, including a special stop at Lionfire! Full reports are being downloaded as we speak and will be posted soon. There are two remaining Expeditions to complete in 2005. These will be for High Level Initiates only. No curiosity seekers. We want only serious candidates of the Secret Places of the Lion. Announcements will be posted shortly.