On August 14, 1997 I was taken up in my Light body by Sananda/Jesus to the Mother Ship Sangre de Cristo, his star fleet headquarters for the Second Coming Plan the Masters Know and Serve. With much gratefulness I faced the Master, at what became visible as the control panel. My Twin Flame was with me as we proceeded to telepathically focus on the thoughts of the other.

I repeated to her what I had just received from beloved Sananda. Knowing that part of our mission on Earth as ET Ambassadors, which is also the function of each and every light worker to convey openly and honestly what we observe and feel from the Ascended Masters, with whom we are in a co-partnership for the evolutionary plan on Earth.

As HU beings, evolving to a point where we know our true identities and our immortal heritage, we are on the brink of a master breakthrough and complete metamorphosis as a species. Our mission of lifting all on Earth into their rightful immortal heritage is of prime importance!

What is more, Jesus/Sananda told me, "It is extended to the Light Workers, who welcome their mission on Earth, to transform the doubt and confusion into the incontestable region of abundant stamina and the consummate hope for shift, and advancement. Now that the immortals have decided to allow their creation eternal life, we may never fail. It then has the energy to deliver any who are ready, even if a little irresolute, into the devotion and intuition of the light." We, who have taken this step, must know that, "I, when I am lifted up, will lift all others unto me."

We fathom what we have been entreated to bring about. Those of us here on assignment, those of us on volunteer basis, we know what is obligatory to fulfill our mission. The rest is up to the I AM Self within each HU soul.

Then Sananda said in a tone that I had never heard him use before. He said: "We cannot, we must not fall short in this generation. Diverse Earth civilizations, such as ancient Egypt, Atlantis and Lemuria, have been at the same crucial period. They have all failed, as can be witnessed from the fate of the Earth at present and the degeneration of each of the aforementioned cultures. The spell, woven by the negative aliens, was so great that the holy blueprint was suspended and the HU species has been repeating the cycle of rebirth beyond that which is joyous. This time it is quintessential that the Mission be finalized".

Mother Ship Sangre de Cristo has been in etheric orbit around the world for many years witnessing the eruption of interest in truth about ETs. Their wish is for HUmans to develop their own I AM Self expression, and evolve fairer treatment of different cultures, as well as respect for the many paths of spiritual development and beliefs on Earth. The Mother Mission has worked for that for countless aeons! This is the Plan of co-partnership between the goodly extra-terrestrials of the higher worlds of love and those Earthlings enterprising enough to achieve the I AM Star-Self mastery.

The negative aliens have stepped up their plan to enslave this world back to the beliefs that have been debilitating and that have brought destruction to the planet. This is the War of Armageddon, the battle between truth and falsehood. Daily, you will also see this carried on and filtered down to those who are in fear and see only catastrophe, to the true light workers who see only goodness, lightness and peace coming to Mother Earth and who actively work to create that!

As Mother Ship Sangre de Cristo, was orbiting, I was given a view of what the planet would look like on the date, December 1, 2105. But I was told that the outcome of this vision, which is what I hoped and prayed for, will depend on the development of the mass group culture called HU-wo-manity! I AM not attached. I labor in love for the Light!

Do not mis-interpret this as foretelling the future, for not even GOD sees that vision. We may co-create it as we wish it to be! Jesus/Sananda, as always, gave me the feeling of hope, optimism, faith, joy and solid comfort. At this grade of synergy with the Masters, every inquiry and doubt is infused with the power and the expectation of GOD {GenieRAtor of Dimensions}.