In our book, "Himalayan Star Conclaves", we speak of our pilgrimage to Shambhalla in the Himalayas. Our interpreter for the Lama said, "As ambassadors from Venus and the Pleiades your visit is expected."

The Lama appeared and again spoke through our interpreter; he scratched his shaven head and smiled wryly. He produced a tattered scroll that our guide inspected as we anxiously awaited the Lamas' answer. "This ancient scroll is a map and a book of instructions to the inner retreat where the Masters dwell. There are many dangers that await the unready. Our holiness, the high lama, has consented for us to give you the secret. He also said he was confident you will be safe, but cautioned me to make known to you the various dangers that lie ahead."

Our guide leapt with joy and let out a yell that sounded like an exuberant whale! He kept this yell up for several minutes and we were beginning to wonder if something had befallen him. Later he told us that the scroll that looked as if it would fall apart at any minute, which was written on something looking like papyrus, in an ancient form of Sanskrit, gave the details for entering the inner retreat from beneath a tunnel in the old Palace in Ley, where we presently stood! A 12-ton Buddha Statue of Maitreya guarded the tunnel! No one could gain entry unless Maitreya allowed it by giving the code, then the statue would vibRAte at a high rate and enter into another dimension baring the tunnel for entry for a few seconds!